Saturday, 5 January 2013

W: Tevis Educational and Fun Ride

The entry for the Educational and Fun Ride is now posted on
Join us for a weekend of fun at the Foresthill Mill Site in Foresthill, CA on June 1st & 2nd. Riders will enjoy spectacular springtime flowers and gorgeous views along the scenic Western States Trail from Robinson Flat to Auburn.

Tevis Educational & Fun Riders will enjoy the following:

♦ Camping included from Thursday, May 30th through Monday, June 3rd.
♦ Qualified Speaker talks on related topics, including Melissa Ribley DVM, Rob Lydon DVM, Jamie Kerr DVM, Kevin Myers, Chuck Mather
♦ Delicious BBQ dinner and live music around the campfire by Delta Crossing
♦ Raffle drawing with many prizes, including a 2013 100 Mile Western States Trail Ride Entry

In addition, Tevis Educational Riders are offered:

♦ A personally guided ride from Robinson Flat to Auburn, by very experienced Tevis
mentors including Kathie Perry, Alyssa & Jennifer Stalley, Cory Solteau DVM, Rob Lydon DVM, Tom Johnson
♦ Opportunity to earn Tevis mileage credit toward the 300 mile requirement

We want to encourage you to get your entries in as early as possible. There is a lot of organization that depend  on the number of riders participating on both the Educational Ride and the Fun Ride. The earlier you get your entry in the sooner we can organize trailering to get your rigs back from Robinson Flat on Saturday and to Auburn on Sunday. The number of Vets needed as well as the volunteers needed at each vet stop to accomidate all you riders. At most rides you bring your own fold up chairs but this year I would like to have seating and tables available for the speakers, BBQ, and the live entertainment on Saturday night (a must for you to attend)

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