Saturday 17 September 2011

NW: Owyhee Canyonlands Pioneer

September 13 2011

We're gearing up for the 9th annual Owyhee Canyonlands multiday (and Book Exchange!) in two weeks! (omg)

All days are AHA sanctioned for the 50 mile distances.

All days will have Trail Rides - but we'll need to know in advance when/where you're going since we'll be out on the trail or at the vetchecks most of the first 4 days.

Trail maps are finally figured out and available at

There are a few changes (mostly adding mileage here and there and trying to get all the days work out right).

Day 1 - we'll ride around Wildhorse Butte (similar to last year but a few minor trail changes and additions)

Day 2 - we have permission to go into the foothills of Toy Mountain and ride the Alder Creek trail (the cows are all up higher grazing now). This is a very pretty trail.

Day 3 - will be new for the Canyonlands - a loop north of the highway on some nice trails for the 50's, and then both distances will drop down into Joyce Ranch - ride several miles along the irrigation canal - really pretty actually, full of water, loaded with sunflowers and blooming rabbit brush. Lots of wildlife along this stretch. Then you'll ride around Sinker Reservoir and up lower Sinker Canyon - very pretty! It should be a nice day.

Day 4 - will be the 'traditional' Sinker Canyon ride but the 50's will drop down into Sinker Creek farther down at the Joyce Ranch and ride through the ranch along the canal bank, and then up the entire stretch of canyon. Then the 50's will loop up into the hills on the way back after the vetcheck.

Day's 1 - 4 will be big loop rides with out vet checks.

Day 5 - two big loops with one vet check in camp - north into the Birds of Prey, and then south to Hart Creek.

Dinners will be provided by Blue Canoe Restaurant - plus they'll be set up to serve food all day for those left in camp.

It's been hot and dry the past couple months but there's still water in some of the creeks (a cold wet spring!!) and the trails are in pretty good shape.

Pre-registration is open, please sign up if you think you're coming - even if you don't know which days for sure. We're expecting a lower turnout this year and really need to plan carefully for awards and meals.

See ya there!


SW: Lead, Follow or Get Out of My Way! - Updated Entry Form

September 17 2011

A new official entry form is available for the Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way Endurance Ride at McDowell Mtn.Park in Fountain Hills, Arizona on
Saturday, November 19, 2011

AERC Sanctioned Ride 30, 50 and 75 Miles
12 Mile Fun ride

Entry Fee & deadline: Entries received by Thursday, November 10, 2011 will receive a $10.00 discount. Make sure you get your entry in on time to insure your T-shirt size. A full refund of entry fee will be given to any applicant entered in an event provided that applicant has not started in the event. Once the applicant starts in the event, the entry fee is not refundable. No refunds will be issued the day after the ride. Ride Manager must be notified of cancellation by the start of the ride or no refund will be issued.

Trails: Trail is in moderate condition. There are rocks, sandy washes, and abundance of cactus. It is a single track trail,
Also it is a shared trail with hikers and bicyclists.

Campsite: Primitive camping, horse water and port a potties. Horse water available for hauling.Pick up your manure, shavings and hay from your campsite. Dumpsters are available on site. Your campsite must be spotless.

Please help ride management and pre-register

For a ride entry form, click here

Entries can be mailed to:

Jodie Dukerich
16219 N 12th St. Phoenix, Az. 85022
Or faxed to 602-368-9060
or E-mail:

Wednesday 14 September 2011

SW: Barefoot in New Mexico Update

The Barefoot in New Mexico Ride is October 15 & 16.  It is a two day hundred or two one day 50 mile rides near Alamogordo.  There will also be LD rides each day.   
Phil and Marcelle have ordered the belt buckle for best condition in the two day 100; the buckle will have a beautiful silver horses head with mane and forelock flying instead of the roping horse/calf.
For more information or the entry form visit the ride website at
Let’s get out and support this new ride.
Roger and Sue

Tuesday 13 September 2011

NW: Limestone Challenge

September 11 2011

Hey! Good news for those close enough to come to the Limestone Challenge in Southern Oregon on October 8 Our ride camp landowner has lifted the numbers restriction on our ride camp so we can invite everyone to come. So, if you enjoy great fall foliage, breathtaking views and a fun time come on down and join the fun. We are next to Lake Selmac County Park, Selma, Oregon. You can sign up in camp, kick back and visit with friends,then ride a beautiful mountain trail. See you there, Terry Canavello

Ride details:

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Riding to the Rescue CTR

September 4 2011

The Riding to the Rescue CTR at Perry Lake near Topeka, Kansas is just under 6 weeks away.  This summer has been a record breaker for our part of the country related to the drought and the heat.  We are excited about the cool weather which just arrived.  The weather experts are indicating that it should be with us for some time.  Maybe even all the way through fall.
Competitors AND volunteers (especially a Rules Interpreter) are needed so please contact Hope at or use the RMS system (NATRC members) and get signed up.  This has been a difficult year for rides in Region 6 but we still have the fall season and it should be GREAT!!  Rendevouz was the past 2 days and they still had some hot weather to endure.  Our ride should miss all that.
Rider participation is the "make or break" for any ride so help us out by attending.
Our Meal Deal will be available for purchase again with a fantastic menu provided by Truffles Catering.  Fri evening, Sat evening and Sunday lunch let US do the cooking!!  To RSVP for the $25.00 Meal Deal contact Hope
We will also have a "Tack to the Rescue" event so please bring your new or lightly used items as a donation to the rescue and we will use them for a silent auction throughout the weekend.
Looking forward to seeing everyone. It is time for a great weekend with great friends and wonderful horses!!
Karen Everhart MEd.
Volunteer - co-founder and executive director
Rainbow Meadows Equine Rescue and Retirement, Inc.