Here are the details regarding Bandit.
Trails Rides – There will be trail rides on all days. The cost of all trail rides is $30. Friday, there will be a trail ride that will start at 6:30 on the 10-mile loop. Riders may participate in the Trail Challenge or just ride the trail. ALL trail riders must check out with the timer. AND ALL RIDERS MUST SEE THE VET. I know you think that “it’s just a trail ride” but them’s the rules. Trail rides on Saturday and Sunday will start at 10:30. Riders again will have the option of participating in the organized event of the day or just riding the trail. If you chose to simply ride the trail, you may choose the 10 or the 15-mile loop. You MUST, however, check out with the timer and tell him/her what loop you are going on. We need to keep track of you!
LDs – There will be LDS on all days. The cost is $85 (unless you pre-register) for any LD. Friday night’s LD will begin at 6:00. The 15-mile loop is first and the 10-mile loop is 2nd. The 10-mile loop will have glow sticks. Be sure to go fast enough on the first loop that you can slow down the 2nd loop. Saturday’s LDs (30 mile) will begin at 6:30 am. Sunday’s LD (25 miles) will also begin at 6:30.
50s – There are 50 mile rides on Saturday and Sunday and they will begin at 6:00am. Cost is $100. Saturday’s 50-mile ride will be the Region 4 AHA Championship. Only $15 to cross enter.
80s – There will be an 80 mile ride on Saturday beginning at 5am. Cost is $115.
Ride & Tie – 10 or 25/30. $45 for short course. $75 for long course. Start time 6:15 am
Certified weed free hay is required. If you would like to reserve a bale, please let Elayne know: The cost is $13/bale.
You may get the discount by pre-PAYING. – PayPal or mail the check to Liz Batterson 24965 Alpine Ln. Alfalfa OR 97701 BEFORE JULY 6.
There will be a potluck dinner on Saturday AND Sunday at 6:30pm. We have a pancake feed for breakfast planned for Sat and Sun. It will be by donation.
There will be a limited amount of weed free hay available and it is required by USFS.
Dogs on leashes. (Particularly Friday-Sunday. I’ll be a little more lenient before then.)
American Trail Gear will be on site. Yea!!!
Bandit is part of the Oregon Trifecta Prize…any distance, any horse. Ride Bandit, Santiam, and OR 100 and be entered to win an embroidered blanket and an entry to one of these same rides next year!