February 21-22 2015 in sunny Olympia WA!
Our very first endurance clinic weekend is in the planning stages - a full weekend of learning, clinician DR SUSAN GARLINGHOUSE , and a mini e-ride on sunday!
If you're local, come and learn! if you're not local, its an easy plane ride away....
We have a facebook group that people can join to stay current on developments, and chime in for ideas, or suggestions on programming, etc. We're trying some different stuff and I'm really thinking that if it works, its gonna be AWESOME. wanna eavesdrop? or heck, we're only a plane ticket away! feel free to join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/672765552841890/
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Saturday, 6 December 2014
W: Tevis Educational Ride
SAVE THE DATE - JULY 4 & 5, 2015
The Tevis Educational ride is two days of riding, Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5. Both days will be staged out of the Foresthill Mill site. On Saturday, riders will trailer up to Robinsons Flat from Foresthill and ride the trail back to Foresthill. Crew will be needed to move your rig. On Sunday, riders will ride from Foresthill to Franciscos then loop through Todd Valley and back to Foresthill. There will be speakers on both Friday and Saturday night. This is a great opportunity to see a large part of the Tevis trail for both people who want to do the ride and people who don't want to do the whole distance. For more information or to sign up, contact Lori Stewart at lpurdum1@gmail.com.
The Tevis Educational ride is two days of riding, Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5. Both days will be staged out of the Foresthill Mill site. On Saturday, riders will trailer up to Robinsons Flat from Foresthill and ride the trail back to Foresthill. Crew will be needed to move your rig. On Sunday, riders will ride from Foresthill to Franciscos then loop through Todd Valley and back to Foresthill. There will be speakers on both Friday and Saturday night. This is a great opportunity to see a large part of the Tevis trail for both people who want to do the ride and people who don't want to do the whole distance. For more information or to sign up, contact Lori Stewart at lpurdum1@gmail.com.
Friday, 5 December 2014
SW: 2015 Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of My Way
Lead Follow or Get Out Of My Way Ride at Bumble Bee Ranch on January 24th 2015 is just around the corner. Before you get caught up in the Holiday rush get your entry in. We are limitted by permit to 150 riders no exceptions. Entry and flyer are at http://www.aerc.org/Calendar/2015LFBumbleBee.pdf
AERC Endurance 101 Clinic in Utah
Endurance rider Janet Tipton and McEwan Farm, and veterinarian Susan Garlinghouse are teaming up to present an Endurance 101 clinic February 7 in Toole, Utah.
The indoor/unmounted clinic will to introduce you to the sport of AERC endurance riding, review how the competitions work, how to prepare the horse and rider, and how to have not just success, but fun! The clinic is geared toward riders new to the sport, either contemplating trying it, or in their first season or two of competition.
Cost is $25 per attendee, with juniors under 18 free with Specialized Saddles paying their fee. Clinic registration postmark deadline is January 24, 2015.
For more information see:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=846224658771831&set=pcb.10152914680547139&type=1&theater or contact Janet at FlyingTAcres@gmail.com
The indoor/unmounted clinic will to introduce you to the sport of AERC endurance riding, review how the competitions work, how to prepare the horse and rider, and how to have not just success, but fun! The clinic is geared toward riders new to the sport, either contemplating trying it, or in their first season or two of competition.
Cost is $25 per attendee, with juniors under 18 free with Specialized Saddles paying their fee. Clinic registration postmark deadline is January 24, 2015.
For more information see:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=846224658771831&set=pcb.10152914680547139&type=1&theater or contact Janet at FlyingTAcres@gmail.com
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
NE: Daisy Haven Endurance Clinic
Come join us for an Endurance Clinic weekend on January 17-18 at Daisy Haven Farm in southeast Pennsylvania. On Saturday we'll be having a 101/Basics Clinic for folks relatively new to the sport (first or second season or just getting started), and on Sunday we will have a Beyond the Basics Clinic for those already competing but looking for an increased understanding of metabolic issues, biomechanics, conditioning and training strategies to either move up in distance or improve their performance. Should have fliers and applications posted within the next day or so.
For more information see:
For more information see:
Monday, 27 October 2014
NW: Owyhee Hallowed Weenies

Come join us on November 1! Wear a Halloween costume!
It's fall in Owyhee County - weather can be almost anything! Generally dry but could be warm or cold, ya never know! And there might be a little wind. Trails will consist of single track trails, jeep roads, cow paths, sand washes, ridge tops - and the footing is pretty decent! Some rocky sections but nothing really horid. Rolling terrain, but a generally easy-moderate trail. You'll be riding south to Hart Creek, and across Triangle Rd for a loop around the Browns Ck drainage for the first loop. The second loop will be single track trails, cow trails, jeep roads, a little bit of everything - north a bit, then south a bit, should be a fun trail.
Ride is based out of the Teeter ranch in Oreana, Idaho. Easy access off of Hwy 78. Showers and toilets.
Head Vet: Matt Dredge DVM
Ride Manager: Regina Rose Email: rrose4u2002@yahoo.com Phone: 208-250-8662
Trail maps, directions, more info at:
Thursday, 16 October 2014
CT: AERC National Championships Needs Juniors, and Late Fee Waived!
100 mile - October 30, 2014 • 50 mile - November 1, 2014
WE are now waiving the late fee as long as your entries are postmarked by Oct. 21, 2014.
Don't miss the chance to participate in a National Championship!
AND JUNIORS WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Each Junior will get reimbursed $50 after the ride from AERC & we will even waive the $50 late ENTRY FEE!!! Sign up today Juniors!! We have awesome awards already made for you!! That's a savings of $100!!!!!
As of today, we have NO Juniors entered into either distance of the National Championship!!
For more information see:
or contact
Khristin Seymore
100 mile - October 30, 2014 • 50 mile - November 1, 2014
WE are now waiving the late fee as long as your entries are postmarked by Oct. 21, 2014.
Don't miss the chance to participate in a National Championship!
AND JUNIORS WE NEED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Each Junior will get reimbursed $50 after the ride from AERC & we will even waive the $50 late ENTRY FEE!!! Sign up today Juniors!! We have awesome awards already made for you!! That's a savings of $100!!!!!
As of today, we have NO Juniors entered into either distance of the National Championship!!
For more information see:
or contact
Khristin Seymore
Friday, 3 October 2014
CT: AERC National Championship Entry Deadline
GET your ENTRIES in for the 2014 AERC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!! Just a few days before the DEADLINE OCTOBER 7, 2014!!
After DEADLINE a LATE FEE will apply!!
100 mile - Thursday October 30, 2014
50 mile - Saturday November 1, 2014
Cant ride? Come and volunteer!! --> We need you!!
Sign up by OCTOBER 7 to get a RIDE TSHIRT @ www.2014aercnc.com
Maps and loop orders have been finalized, so please stay tuned to
Facebook and www.2014aercnc.com for maps!!
We have some wonderful awards, sponsors, & volunteers signed up!
Come join the FUN in TEXAS.
Halloween Costume Party Friday 10/31/2014!
See you soon!
Khristin Seymore
After DEADLINE a LATE FEE will apply!!
100 mile - Thursday October 30, 2014
50 mile - Saturday November 1, 2014
Cant ride? Come and volunteer!! --> We need you!!
Sign up by OCTOBER 7 to get a RIDE TSHIRT @ www.2014aercnc.com
Maps and loop orders have been finalized, so please stay tuned to
Facebook and www.2014aercnc.com for maps!!
We have some wonderful awards, sponsors, & volunteers signed up!
Come join the FUN in TEXAS.
Halloween Costume Party Friday 10/31/2014!
See you soon!
Khristin Seymore
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
CT: Indian Territory
I just got off the trails at Lake Oologah and they look GREAT! There has been no flooding so come to Blue Creek Campground at Lake Oologah near Claremore, OK, next weekend!
There are two 25-mile rides and one 50-mile ride. If you want to elevate to a 50 but don't want to take a chance on losing your 25-mile completion, this ride is for YOU! The LD and endurance rides start at 8:00 AM and the 2nd LD ride starts at 2:00 PM. Of course you may either ride the same horse or a different horse on the second LD ride; if you ride the same horse, the second entry fee is half price!
One of the philanthropic organizations to which I belong is collecting $5 gift cards (McDonalds, Burger King, WalMart, etc) to give to the Shriner's Hospital in Shreveport, LA. The Hospital uses the cards as incentives for the children to complete their treatment that day. If you wish to donate $5 gift cards that will go directly to the Shriner's Hospital in Shreveport, please bring your card(s) to this ride and I'll give them to the van driver taking kids to LA. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Please text, call, or email Link or I with your RSVP (coming only) and any questions. We appreciate your continued support of Indian Territory and look forward to seeing you this coming weekend (October 4) at Lake Oologah near Claremore (or Foyle), OK.
Susan Young Mock, Ride Manager
(918) 685-0072 (text or call)
There are two 25-mile rides and one 50-mile ride. If you want to elevate to a 50 but don't want to take a chance on losing your 25-mile completion, this ride is for YOU! The LD and endurance rides start at 8:00 AM and the 2nd LD ride starts at 2:00 PM. Of course you may either ride the same horse or a different horse on the second LD ride; if you ride the same horse, the second entry fee is half price!
One of the philanthropic organizations to which I belong is collecting $5 gift cards (McDonalds, Burger King, WalMart, etc) to give to the Shriner's Hospital in Shreveport, LA. The Hospital uses the cards as incentives for the children to complete their treatment that day. If you wish to donate $5 gift cards that will go directly to the Shriner's Hospital in Shreveport, please bring your card(s) to this ride and I'll give them to the van driver taking kids to LA. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Please text, call, or email Link or I with your RSVP (coming only) and any questions. We appreciate your continued support of Indian Territory and look forward to seeing you this coming weekend (October 4) at Lake Oologah near Claremore (or Foyle), OK.
Susan Young Mock, Ride Manager
(918) 685-0072 (text or call)
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
SW: Lead Follow or Get Out of My Way
Lead Follow or Get out of MY Way ride November 15, 2014 at McDowell Mt Park in Fountain Hills, Arizona is only 2 months away! We are once again having an AERC and AHA sanctioned 30, 50 & 75 mile ride as well as a 12 mile fun ride. We will be having a BBQ diner Friday night. We are limiting the ride to the first 100 riders/entries so make sure you get your entry in soon. Entries received after November 7, 2014 will incur a $15.00 late fee. All juniors will receive a $20.00 discount (does not apply to fun ride). Come join us for a beautiful and scenic desert ride with views of Fountain Hills, AZ. Enjoy the mostly groomed trails with some rock and sandy washes. This is the last ride of the season for the Southwest Region. For flyer and entry go to http://www.aerc.org/Calendar/2014LeadFollow.pdf
Any questions feel free to contact Jodie Dukerich, jmdukerich@cox.net 602-579-0130 or Stephanie Palmer-DuRoss, luv4riding@aol.com 602-770-5534
Please help support your local rides so we can continue to offer them.
Also like us on facebook for the most up to date information
ATTN : Non-AERC Members put the $15.00 Non-Member Fee to good use toward your AERC membership, with the AERC Fall Special -- a great way for "new members" to sign up for the last 3 months of this ride season and ALL of next year for one low price of $88.75. 1 year membership is normally $75.00. Call the AERC office toll-free 866-271-2372 for details and to sign up! Yes, there are discounts for family members and for juniors who have solo memberships as well!
We have some volunteer spots still open so let us know if interested.
Hope to see you there
Jodie and Stephanie
Any questions feel free to contact Jodie Dukerich, jmdukerich@cox.net 602-579-0130 or Stephanie Palmer-DuRoss, luv4riding@aol.com 602-770-5534
Please help support your local rides so we can continue to offer them.
Also like us on facebook for the most up to date information
ATTN : Non-AERC Members put the $15.00 Non-Member Fee to good use toward your AERC membership, with the AERC Fall Special -- a great way for "new members" to sign up for the last 3 months of this ride season and ALL of next year for one low price of $88.75. 1 year membership is normally $75.00. Call the AERC office toll-free 866-271-2372 for details and to sign up! Yes, there are discounts for family members and for juniors who have solo memberships as well!
We have some volunteer spots still open so let us know if interested.
Hope to see you there
Jodie and Stephanie
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
NW: Oregon 100/PacNorth Benefit
The Oregon 100/PacNorth Benefit will be held on September 20 2014.
Donations needed!
Dear PacNorth members, riders, and friends~ I'm asking each of you who have benefited from, may benefit from, or just want to contribute to the funds raised by the Oregon 100 endurance ride each year, to help with getting awards donated for this year's ride, 9/20 in Brothers Oregon A personal request to a contact you know is much more effective than any form letter I send. As a benefit ride, the more donated items I get, the less I spend and the more we have to turn over to Pac North. I need your help! We're looking for new, quality goods that endurance riders like and use. Would you each ask your favorite tack dealer or vendor for a donation of something that will lead to supporting PacNorth efforts? We need 1st place, BC and high vet score awards for each of the 4 distances (25, 50, 75 and 100). Past items have included biothane goods, sets of leg wraps, gift certificates to tack catalogs and services, ice boots, halter/leads, blankets/sheets, riding apparel -- shirts, tights, jackets (sizing needs to be flexible), supplements popular with endurance riders, Ulcerguard, ride entries, wine, hay bags, buckets, and other wonderful items. If I get a bounty of goods, I will combine some of the smaller items into one award. This ride benefits completely from the generous donations of time and goods from many in our endurance community. We welcome any sponsored awards for your favorite breed, too.
Please forward this to any others who you think may be interested in helping us out and apologies if you receive multiple copies of this. Any questions can be directed to me.
PacNorth is a 501 3c non-profit and we can provide a tax letter for any donation.
The Oregon 100 is promoted as a PacNorth fundraiser, and we wanted to be sure riders know just what the PacNorth is and what the money is used for.
Established as a not-for-profit organization, PacNorth helps provide funding for regional, national and international endurance championships. As an example, a North American Zone Team Challenge was held in Kentucky in 2009. PacNorth sent a team of six riders, and the funds raised at the Oregon 100 were used to pay for the team chef and the team vets to attend the event. Dewayne Brown was sponsored this past year in Florida at the North American Zone Team Challenge. PacNorth also tries to give back to the riders that support the PacNorth fundraiser by sponsoring speakers for the PNER convention.
If you are a member of AERC and AERC-I you are automatically a member of PacNorth. You do not need to compete internationally to be a member. PacNorth holds an annual meeting during the PNER convention, and any member can attend and have input into the organization. We hope all of you attend, and we thank you for your support of the Oregon 100. Enjoy the ride!
We also of course need volunteers. Please contact Carol Giles if you can help out. NO experience necessary! It’s a great way to learn, meet people, and have a great time in the desert. Thanks!
Many thanks,
Carlene Benson
OR100/ Pac North
545 Leslie St. SE,
Salem, OR 97301
Donations needed!
Dear PacNorth members, riders, and friends~ I'm asking each of you who have benefited from, may benefit from, or just want to contribute to the funds raised by the Oregon 100 endurance ride each year, to help with getting awards donated for this year's ride, 9/20 in Brothers Oregon A personal request to a contact you know is much more effective than any form letter I send. As a benefit ride, the more donated items I get, the less I spend and the more we have to turn over to Pac North. I need your help! We're looking for new, quality goods that endurance riders like and use. Would you each ask your favorite tack dealer or vendor for a donation of something that will lead to supporting PacNorth efforts? We need 1st place, BC and high vet score awards for each of the 4 distances (25, 50, 75 and 100). Past items have included biothane goods, sets of leg wraps, gift certificates to tack catalogs and services, ice boots, halter/leads, blankets/sheets, riding apparel -- shirts, tights, jackets (sizing needs to be flexible), supplements popular with endurance riders, Ulcerguard, ride entries, wine, hay bags, buckets, and other wonderful items. If I get a bounty of goods, I will combine some of the smaller items into one award. This ride benefits completely from the generous donations of time and goods from many in our endurance community. We welcome any sponsored awards for your favorite breed, too.
Please forward this to any others who you think may be interested in helping us out and apologies if you receive multiple copies of this. Any questions can be directed to me.
PacNorth is a 501 3c non-profit and we can provide a tax letter for any donation.
The Oregon 100 is promoted as a PacNorth fundraiser, and we wanted to be sure riders know just what the PacNorth is and what the money is used for.
Established as a not-for-profit organization, PacNorth helps provide funding for regional, national and international endurance championships. As an example, a North American Zone Team Challenge was held in Kentucky in 2009. PacNorth sent a team of six riders, and the funds raised at the Oregon 100 were used to pay for the team chef and the team vets to attend the event. Dewayne Brown was sponsored this past year in Florida at the North American Zone Team Challenge. PacNorth also tries to give back to the riders that support the PacNorth fundraiser by sponsoring speakers for the PNER convention.
If you are a member of AERC and AERC-I you are automatically a member of PacNorth. You do not need to compete internationally to be a member. PacNorth holds an annual meeting during the PNER convention, and any member can attend and have input into the organization. We hope all of you attend, and we thank you for your support of the Oregon 100. Enjoy the ride!
We also of course need volunteers. Please contact Carol Giles if you can help out. NO experience necessary! It’s a great way to learn, meet people, and have a great time in the desert. Thanks!
Many thanks,
Carlene Benson
OR100/ Pac North
545 Leslie St. SE,
Salem, OR 97301
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
NW: Prater Mountain
Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder that Prater Mountain Endurance Ride and fun ride will be on Sept 13. Dale has done an amazing job with the trails. There is plenty of water both natural and in tubs on the trail. The fun ride is about 13 miles long, not technical, will prove to be a blast!
All vet checks are in camp, and close to the chuck wagon.
The awards are to die for!
Elkins Resort (www.elkinsresort.com) will be sponsoring the best condition awards this year, the top ten awards are unique and very cool. You won't find another like them anywhere. The completion awards are more like top ten awards where I come from.
Sgt. Reckless's handler will be at ride camp to share stories about this amazing little filly. A true hero and war horse in the Korean War, this 5 year old mare carried artillery 35 miles one way on her own... Check out the video http://youtu.be/YIo3ZfA9da0
Ride camp is level and the view is spectacular. The trails have some elevation to them, so bring a fit horse. If you are planning to come a day or two early please email either Dale at maryandale@gmail.com or Tara at twpumpkin@hotmail.com .
This is the first time a ride has been hosted in the Priest River area. Please lets make this a yearly event. I'd hope to see many folks embrace this neck of the woods and experience the Crown Jewel of North Idaho. Its going to be a great ride!
Just a reminder that Prater Mountain Endurance Ride and fun ride will be on Sept 13. Dale has done an amazing job with the trails. There is plenty of water both natural and in tubs on the trail. The fun ride is about 13 miles long, not technical, will prove to be a blast!
All vet checks are in camp, and close to the chuck wagon.
The awards are to die for!
Elkins Resort (www.elkinsresort.com) will be sponsoring the best condition awards this year, the top ten awards are unique and very cool. You won't find another like them anywhere. The completion awards are more like top ten awards where I come from.
Sgt. Reckless's handler will be at ride camp to share stories about this amazing little filly. A true hero and war horse in the Korean War, this 5 year old mare carried artillery 35 miles one way on her own... Check out the video http://youtu.be/YIo3ZfA9da0
Ride camp is level and the view is spectacular. The trails have some elevation to them, so bring a fit horse. If you are planning to come a day or two early please email either Dale at maryandale@gmail.com or Tara at twpumpkin@hotmail.com .
This is the first time a ride has been hosted in the Priest River area. Please lets make this a yearly event. I'd hope to see many folks embrace this neck of the woods and experience the Crown Jewel of North Idaho. Its going to be a great ride!
Sunday, 24 August 2014
CT: 2014 AERC National Championship
100 mile - October 30, 2014
50 mile - November 1, 2014
Time is ticking away and the Championship is getting closer everyday!!
Our Ride Info Page & Ride Entry is now AVAILABLE!!
I have attached it in a PDF & you may also find it on the web site @ www.2014aercnc.com!!
Questions about Qualifications?
All entries must meet AERC qualification criteria:
• 50-mile ride: 300 lifetime miles (horse) AND 300 lifetime miles (rider), with at least 100 miles together. The mileage requirements must be met with endurance competitions of 50 miles or more only -- no limited distance miles count towards qualification criteria.
• 100-mile ride: 500 lifetime miles (horse) AND 500 lifetime miles (rider), with at least one 100 mile, one-day ride together. The mileage requirements must be met with endurance competitions of 50 miles or more only -- no limited distance miles count towards qualification criteria.
• Alternate qualification (either distance): If the horse and rider team has completed 1,000 AERC endurance miles (rides 50 miles or more only) they are qualified to enter.
To view your Ride History, click here or phone the AERC office, 866-271-2372.
Thinking about Volunteering?
Contact Sue Phillips @ sueqh1@airmail.net to get your volunteer position and t-shirt size submitted!
If you are thinking about coming to the National Championship and are not bringing a horse trailer to stay in and need a place to stay and/or hotel room please call the Candlewood Suites in Mt Pleasant, Texas @ 903-572-4600. When booking please mention Priefert Endurance Ride to receive a special room rate for the event. You may ask to speak with Nancy Patel for any assistance with booking she is the manager for the hotel and is aware of the event. For special room rate please book by: September 25, 2014 by 9:00 AM!! IF you are sure about coming then please call ASAP to make sure and get a room. We have only been blocked off so many rooms so the early you can call and book the better chances of availability.
**We will be having entrainment on Friday afternoon so come watch Chad Brinlee with Bombproof Horsemanship!** http://www.bombproofhorsemanship.com/
THANK YOU Todd Hezeau for making our NC logo!!
THANK YOU Russell Betts for keeping our web site updated!!
We have gotten some amazing sponsors and have a few more pending!
Please thank them! (On the web site all logos are linked to the company web site, check them out!)
LubriSyn HA
Priefert Ranch Equipment
Renegade Hoof Boots
Specialized Saddles
Charlotte Baca
Distance Depot
Lone Star Ag Credit
Texas Endurance Riders Association
Boehringer-Ingelheim (maker of lots of your horse vaccine!!)
Uckle ProFormula (maker of Lyte Now!!)
Kentucky Performance Equine
Cypress Trails
Equine Monitors
Platinum Performance
Texas Heritage National Bank
Questions about Trail, Camp, etc? CALL, TEXT, or EMAIL me!
Khristin Seymore
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
MW: Northern Highland Ride Cancelled
Due to unprecedented rain totals over the past few days, and the probability of more heavy rains Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the August 23-24 Northern Highland Ride for 2014 has been canceled. We are concerned about the potential risk to rigs getting in and out of camp and the private landowner is concerned about damage to their field. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this cancellation, and hope you will consider joining us in 2015. Please pass the word.
RM, Jon Wagner
RM, Jessi Zirbel
Hosting party, TJ Edwards
RM, Jon Wagner
RM, Jessi Zirbel
Hosting party, TJ Edwards
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
AHA Distance Nationals - Registration due September 8

Registration forms can be downloaded at http://www.arabianhorses.org/competitions/nationalevents/natdist/2014/docs/14DIST_Entry_Form.pdf and mailed to
Arabian Horse Association
Atten: Devin Smith
10805 E. Bethany Dr.
Aurora, CO 80014
Entries are due SEPTEMBER 8. Late fees will be applied after this date ($25 for AHA entries, $10 for AERC 'open' entries)
Additionally there will be a $10 BLM/Camping fee per person.
Corrals are available for rental (12 x 12 and 12 x 16 ft stock panels). Send me email (steph@endurance.net)
More info at http://www.endurance.net/international/USA/2014AHA/
We'll post trail maps soon.
Friday, 4 July 2014
W: Tevis Fun Ride
Don't miss out on a weekend of fun July 4-6 at the Foresthill Mill Site in Foresthill, CA. Riders will enjoy gorgeous views along the scenic Western States Trail.
Tevis Fun Rider Participants are asked to make a $50 donation to WSTF
and will enjoy the following:
• Camping included from Friday, July 4th through Sunday, July 6th
• Ample parking for large rigs and portable pens
• Educational talks on endurance related topics
• The Tevis Store
• Bring your friends and family to socialize with fellow riders and Tevis veterans
• Raffle drawing with many prizes, including a 2014 Tevis Entry
Click here for more information and entries:
Tevis Fun Rider Participants are asked to make a $50 donation to WSTF
and will enjoy the following:
• Camping included from Friday, July 4th through Sunday, July 6th
• Ample parking for large rigs and portable pens
• Educational talks on endurance related topics
• The Tevis Store
• Bring your friends and family to socialize with fellow riders and Tevis veterans
• Raffle drawing with many prizes, including a 2014 Tevis Entry
Click here for more information and entries:
Sunday, 8 June 2014
NW: BC Endurance Championships
*THE ENDURANCE RIDE SEASON 2014 is UNDERWAY in the Pacific Northwest!*
The Endurance Riders Association of BC (ERABC) would like to invite you to attend the first-ever BC ENDURANCECHAMPIONSHIPS, September 13th, 2014, at the Telemark Nordic Club venue to West Kelowna!
AERC, Equine Canada and ERABC sanctioned – 3 distances – Championship and Open divisions, both Senior and Junior/Young Rider divisions.
(Please note that there will be an Open Competition held concurrently with the Championshipin the 25 and 50 mile distances – same times, same distances, same trails. Championship division only in the 75. All distances will include Senior and Junior divisions. ‘Sanctioned’ competitions are those sanctioned by Equine Canada, AERC,ERABC or provincial equivalent.)
ChampionshipQualification Criteria (for both Senior and Junior Divisions):
All entrants must be ERABC members.
All equines must be a minimum of 6 years old.
25 Miles (40km)
Horses and riders, not necessarily in combination, must have 200 miles of successful completion in sanctioned endurance or LD rides of any distance prior to 2014.
Horse must not have done a ride of 50 mile (80 km) or more in 2014 or 2013.
Horse and rider in combination must have completed TWO ERABC LD rides in 2014.
50 Miles (80km)
Horses and riders, not necessarily in combination, must have 200 miles of successful completion in sanctioned endurance rides of any distance prior to 2014.
Rider and Horse in combination must have completed a minimum of at least TWO rides of 50 miles or more in 2014.
Rider and horse, in combination, must have ridden in the top FIFTEEN in at least ONE ERABC ride in 2014 or 2013.
*75 Miles (120km) (Championship **divisiononly)*
Horses and riders, not necessarily in combination, must have 300 miles of successful completion in sanctioned endurance rides of any distance prior to 2014.
Rider and Horse, in combination, must have completed a minimum of TWO rides of 50 miles or more during 2014, including at least one completion in the Top Ten.
We hope EVERYONE will participate in the Championship - as a competitor, as a crew member, as a volunteer, or as an ‘observer’!
The ERABC website www.erabc.com describes all the rides and events scheduled this season – do check it out! Updates will appear often……
Thank you! Murray and Daphne (Co-managers, BC Endurance Championships)macheli@telus.net
The Endurance Riders Association of BC (ERABC) would like to invite you to attend the first-ever BC ENDURANCECHAMPIONSHIPS, September 13th, 2014, at the Telemark Nordic Club venue to West Kelowna!
AERC, Equine Canada and ERABC sanctioned – 3 distances – Championship and Open divisions, both Senior and Junior/Young Rider divisions.
(Please note that there will be an Open Competition held concurrently with the Championshipin the 25 and 50 mile distances – same times, same distances, same trails. Championship division only in the 75. All distances will include Senior and Junior divisions. ‘Sanctioned’ competitions are those sanctioned by Equine Canada, AERC,ERABC or provincial equivalent.)
ChampionshipQualification Criteria (for both Senior and Junior Divisions):
All entrants must be ERABC members.
All equines must be a minimum of 6 years old.
25 Miles (40km)
Horses and riders, not necessarily in combination, must have 200 miles of successful completion in sanctioned endurance or LD rides of any distance prior to 2014.
Horse must not have done a ride of 50 mile (80 km) or more in 2014 or 2013.
Horse and rider in combination must have completed TWO ERABC LD rides in 2014.
50 Miles (80km)
Horses and riders, not necessarily in combination, must have 200 miles of successful completion in sanctioned endurance rides of any distance prior to 2014.
Rider and Horse in combination must have completed a minimum of at least TWO rides of 50 miles or more in 2014.
Rider and horse, in combination, must have ridden in the top FIFTEEN in at least ONE ERABC ride in 2014 or 2013.
*75 Miles (120km) (Championship **divisiononly)*
Horses and riders, not necessarily in combination, must have 300 miles of successful completion in sanctioned endurance rides of any distance prior to 2014.
Rider and Horse, in combination, must have completed a minimum of TWO rides of 50 miles or more during 2014, including at least one completion in the Top Ten.
We hope EVERYONE will participate in the Championship - as a competitor, as a crew member, as a volunteer, or as an ‘observer’!
The ERABC website www.erabc.com
Thank you! Murray and Daphne (Co-managers, BC Endurance Championships)macheli@telus.net
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
W: Tevis Educational/Fun Ride
Tevis Educational/Fun Ride
July 4-6, 2014
Join us for a weekend of fun at the Foresthill Mill Site in Foresthill, CA. Riders will enjoy gorgeous views along the scenic Western States Trail.
Tevis Fun Rider Participants are asked to make a $50 donation to WSTF and all will enjoy the following:
• Camping included from Friday, July 4th through Sunday, July 6th
• Ample parking for large rigs and portable pens
• Educational talks on endurance related topics
• The Tevis Store
• Bring your friends and family to socialize with fellow riders and Tevis veterans
• Designated sections of the Tevis Trail will marked
• Raffle drawing with many prizes, including a 2014 Tevis Entry
For more information see
July 4-6, 2014
Join us for a weekend of fun at the Foresthill Mill Site in Foresthill, CA. Riders will enjoy gorgeous views along the scenic Western States Trail.
Tevis Fun Rider Participants are asked to make a $50 donation to WSTF and all will enjoy the following:
• Camping included from Friday, July 4th through Sunday, July 6th
• Ample parking for large rigs and portable pens
• Educational talks on endurance related topics
• The Tevis Store
• Bring your friends and family to socialize with fellow riders and Tevis veterans
• Designated sections of the Tevis Trail will marked
• Raffle drawing with many prizes, including a 2014 Tevis Entry
For more information see
Thursday, 29 May 2014
NE: Iron Mountain Jubilee

Iron Mountain Jubilee Endurance Ride and Ride N Tie
Ivanhoe, Virgina
Join us for the Iron Mountain Jubilee Endurance Ride and Ride & Tie sanctioned by AERC, SERA, ECTRA and Ride & Tie Association. Friday, August 22- 30 and 50 mile rides, Saturday August 23- 25 and 50 mile rides. Vet- In begins on Thursday afternoon, August 21.
This ride will be a benefit for the Iron Mountain Back Country Horsemen Trail Fund and all proceeds will go directly back into the trails. We will also have a raffle and used tack sale to raise funds as well (any donated items or money will be greatly appreciated!). We have lots of fun stuff planned including a community bonfire and live old time string band music. Come for the weekend or make a vacation out of it with all the fabulous things there are to do in the area for riders and non-riders alike.
Where? Ride Camp will be at the Ivanhoe Horse Show Grounds right on the beautiful New River. The Ivanhoe Volunteer Fire Department will be our hosts and will be cooking some fine food for supper..
The physical address is 527 Trestle Road Ivanhoe, Virginia 24350 but please use our official directions instead of relying on your GPS as it may send you down roads not suitable for horse trailers. You will find directions and other important stuff on the Entry & Info page but it is still under construction at the moment so check back in a little while.
Make a vacation of it!
There are many things to see and do in the area including biking or riding the New River Trail (not included in the endurance ride), Virginia Highlands Horse Trail (this one is in the ride!), Canoeing or Kayaking and fishing (license required) on the New River and many more attractions. You'll find more information on our links page.
For more information, see:
Friday, 16 May 2014
W: Chalk Rock
Chalk Rock Ride: June 7 and 8, 2014
The Redwood Empire Endurance Riders (REER) invite you to join us at this year’s Chalk Rock Endurance Ride.
For nearly 35 years, the Barnwell Family has graciously allowed Redwood Empire Endurance Riders to host our Chalk Rock Endurance Ride at their beautiful private ranch. Established in 1884, the ranch is a model for timber harvest practices recognized by state and federal agencies. It is also a working cattle ranch. Riders love the stunning panoramic views as they ride through meadows and around the beautiful Chalk Mountain itself.
A two-day this year, Chalk Rock will have an LD and a 50-miler on both days. Hoof protection will be required. The ride camp atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, and the focus lies with maintaining happy, healthy horses and having fun amongst good company. This year's ride will integrate the newly pioneered trails on last year's 2013 ride. Trails are primarily on both maintained, and older/unmaintained/softer footing logging roads.
RIDE CAMP: Ridecamp offers a bi-level grassy meadow bordered with redwood trees and a creek. Horse water will be troughed from the creek. Please bring your own drinking water.
DIRECTIONS: From Highway 101, take the Highway 36 exit just south of Fortuna. Continue east on 36 for about 30 miles to the bridge at Bridgeville. Turn right at the end of the bridge; you'll be heading for Blocksburg. Follow signs about 2 miles until you see a marked pipe and wire gate on the right side of the road. Turn right into camp.
From I-5, take Highway 36 from Red Bluff to Bridgeville and turn left at the bridge; then follow the above directions. If you're unfamiliar with Highway 36, turn up your trailer brakes before heading down McClellan Mountain into Bridgeville and USE LOW GEAR.
RIDE RULES: The Chalk Rock Endurance Ride will comply with all AERC, REER & State of California Rules and Regulations. All equines must have some type of hoof protection to enter the rides. Dogs are welcome in camp, but must leashed at all times.
FOOD: A ride dinner is included in each entry. Extra dinner tickets are available on the entry form.
ENTRY FORM NOTES: Download adult and junior rider entry forms here or at the foot of this page. Limited Distance and 50-miler riders must show proof of current AERC membership or pay a $15 non-member fee. Checks are cashed as they are received.
CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: If the Ride Manager or Ride Secretary receives notice 14 days or more before the ride, REER will refund your full entry fee. If notice comes within 14 days of the ride, REER will refund your entry less a $25 administration fee. REER members may cancel up to noon on Thursday before the ride and receive a full refund. After noon on Thursday, a $25 admin fee will be withheld for members as well. No shows get no refund.
CONTACT INFO: Questions/concerns? Please email or call Ride Secretary Audra Homicz: dogwoodspringsfarm@yahoo.com, (530) 739-3467.
MAIL SIGNED ENTRY FORMS with FEES TO:(Make checks payable to: "REER/Chalk Rock")
Audra Homicz
PO Box 581
Weaverville, CA 96093
For entry forms, see:
Saturday, 10 May 2014
W: 44th World Championship Ride & Tie
The 44th World Championship Ride & Tie will take place in Georgetown, California on July 12, 2014. Hosted by the Gold Country Endurance Riders, the Long/Short Course Championship will be held Saturday, and the Equathon Sunday.
For more information contact Eve Blumenfeld at eveblumenfeld@comcast.net
and see www.rideandtie.org for entry information.
For more information contact Eve Blumenfeld at eveblumenfeld@comcast.net
and see www.rideandtie.org for entry information.
Friday, 25 April 2014
W: Ride & Tie and Equathon to Benefit WSTF
Saturday May 24, 2014
Cool, California
All proceeds to benefit Western States Trail Foundation to help rebuild the swinging bridge.
Come to Cool, California on May 24th for a 21, 12, and 9-mile Ride & Tie course, and a 12-Ride/9-run, or a 9-ride/9-run Equathon.
For more information and ride entry form see:
Cool, California
All proceeds to benefit Western States Trail Foundation to help rebuild the swinging bridge.
Come to Cool, California on May 24th for a 21, 12, and 9-mile Ride & Tie course, and a 12-Ride/9-run, or a 9-ride/9-run Equathon.
For more information and ride entry form see:
MW: Sisu On The Border
With great reluctance we have decided that we have to relocate Sisu on the Border to Sand Dunes State Forest, Orrock, MN. This venue change is necessary to prevent financial unacceptable financial losses caused by the probable decreased attendance due to the recent EHV-1 epidemic.
If you have questions, you can email privately if you desire: ranch@sisuwest.us
The revised flyer is here:
If you have questions, you can email privately if you desire: ranch@sisuwest.us
The revised flyer is here:
CT: Pokie Oakie Pioneer
Come to the one and only Central Region Pioneer Ride May 9-11, 2014!
The ride is at Lake Carl Blackwell (OK), which is a wonderful campground with some electrical hookups. Showers and real bathrooms are just down the road at another campground. It is seven miles from OSU vet school and less than that to Walmart, Braums, and other places to restock. The trails are easy, flat, and barefoot friendly. There are no awful dirt roads to camp!
Deb Dickson is the new ride manager and she is really wanting this to be a successful ride so she is offering some SWEET incentives !
The ride fee is $100 for the 50 and $65 for the 25, but she is offering a discount of $15 for the second and/or third day! This makes it quite reasonable to bring that young horse you are starting and ride the entire time! This makes it only $150 to ride three days of limited distance, enjoy a great potluck every night, and have plenty of time to socialize with your friends! The weather is going to be great the first of May!
PS Ride Managers! Deb is offering a $10 discount to all current 2014/2013 ride managers in appreciation for your selfless work! And JUNIORS ride free! How much better can this get???
If you preenter you are entered in a raffle for a free entry!
So please, put this on your calendar and come! I know some horses in the pasture here that will be going to do a 25!!!
(at the moment the online entry is incorrect) email Deb for more info: paintnudge@gmail.com
(printed with permission of the ride manager!)
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Arabians
The ride is at Lake Carl Blackwell (OK), which is a wonderful campground with some electrical hookups. Showers and real bathrooms are just down the road at another campground. It is seven miles from OSU vet school and less than that to Walmart, Braums, and other places to restock. The trails are easy, flat, and barefoot friendly. There are no awful dirt roads to camp!
Deb Dickson is the new ride manager and she is really wanting this to be a successful ride so she is offering some SWEET incentives !
The ride fee is $100 for the 50 and $65 for the 25, but she is offering a discount of $15 for the second and/or third day! This makes it quite reasonable to bring that young horse you are starting and ride the entire time! This makes it only $150 to ride three days of limited distance, enjoy a great potluck every night, and have plenty of time to socialize with your friends! The weather is going to be great the first of May!
PS Ride Managers! Deb is offering a $10 discount to all current 2014/2013 ride managers in appreciation for your selfless work! And JUNIORS ride free! How much better can this get???
If you preenter you are entered in a raffle for a free entry!
So please, put this on your calendar and come! I know some horses in the pasture here that will be going to do a 25!!!
(at the moment the online entry is incorrect) email Deb for more info: paintnudge@gmail.com
(printed with permission of the ride manager!)
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Arabians
Thursday, 24 April 2014
W: 30th Annual NASTR Endurance Ride
30th Annual NASTR Endurance Ride
2nd Ride of the NASTR TRIPLE CROWN
30 / 50 / 75 miles Sunday - May 25, 2014
AERC Sanctioned / AHA Region #7 Local Rides
LOCATION /DIRECTIONS: Dayton Valley Rodeo Grounds in Dayton, NV, located approximately 11 miles east of Carson City
on Highway 50 East. Turn RIGHT onto Dayton Valley Rd at the stop light in Dayton. Heading West on Hwy 50 from Silver
Springs turn LEFT onto Dayton Valley Rd. Immediately after crossing the Carson River bridge turn RIGHT onto Ricci Road
(you will see the sign to Rodeo Grounds). Follow ½ mile, turn LEFT into the Rodeo Grounds. Ride Camp is open from Friday
thru Monday. Horse water will be available.
TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The rides will run in a figure eight loop, with an out vet check. Crews will have limited access, crew
bags can be sent out to the check. Hay, water and lunch will be provided by ride management. The trail is of moderate
difficulty in the Pine Nut Mountain Range. There are several rocky creek crossings in Eldorado Canyon which will be ridden
at the start and finish of all the rides. The trail has a variety of sandy and rocky terrain in a wooded juniper and pine nut
forest, with scenic views and rock formations. Elevation ranges from 4,500 to 6,500.
75 MILE AERC / AHA #130712564 LOCAL RIDE: The 75 mile ride will consist of the 50 mile figure eight trail, plus a 25 mile
loop trail from the out vet check. The 75 mile ride must be completed in order to be in contention for the NASTR Triple
Crown, which includes the Nevada Derby I 50, NASTR 75, and the Virginia City 100.
50 MILE AERC / AHA #140712563 LOCAL RIDE: The 50 mile ride will run in a figure eight loop, with 2 out vet checks.
30 MILE AERC LIMITED DISTANCE RIDE: The 30 mile trail is one loop with the out vet check half way. This limited distance
(LD) ride is being held to promote trail use and trail awareness among local horseback riders. Every successful finisher will
receive a completion award. All proceeds will go towards trail preservation.
PRE-VET CHECK: Saturday, May 24th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Control Judges; Karen Hassan, DVM, Susan McCartney,
DVM, Marcia Smith, DVM. All horses must be pre-vetted and numbered before starting the ride. A pre-ride meeting will be
held approximately at 7:00 p.m.
STARTING TIMES: 75 mile ride - 5:00 a.m. (18 hours elapsed time given for completion), 50 mile ride - 6:00 a.m. (12 hours
elapsed time given for completion), 30 mile ride -9:00 a.m. (7:15 hours elapsed time given for completion)
AWARDS: Completion awards will be given to all successful finishers on all three rides. There will also be awards for the
Overall Winner, 1st in each weight division, 1st Junior, Best Condition and Top Ten for both the 75 and 50 mile rides. A Best Condition Award will be given on the 30 mile ride. Please pick up your awards if you are not staying for the awards
presentation, as they will not be mailed.
MEALS: Ride day lunch will be served at the out vet check for all riders. Crews can purchase lunch for $5.00. There will be a Pot-luck dinner on Sunday evening. NASTR will provide meats and a 30th anniversary cake, please bring your favorite side
dish to share. The Ride results and awards presentation for the 30 and 50 mile ride will be announced at Sunday Dinner. 75
milers will be served as they finish and may pick up their award at that time.
ENTRY FEES: 75 mile ride - $95.00 pre-entry, $110.00 after 5/19/14 postmark
50 mile ride - $90.00 pre-entry, $105.00 after 5/19/14 postmark
30 mile ride - $85.00 pre-entry, $100.00 after 5/19/14 postmark
Juniors ride free with a sponsor. All non-AERC members must pay an additional $15.00. Cancellations by 5/22/14 will
receive a full refund. After 5/22/14 all but $20.00 will be refunded. No Shows will not receive a refund. A $25.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks. Checks will not be cashed until after the ride.
Kim Mileo - Ride Manager
Connie Creech - Ride Secretary
For more information see:
2nd Ride of the NASTR TRIPLE CROWN
30 / 50 / 75 miles Sunday - May 25, 2014
AERC Sanctioned / AHA Region #7 Local Rides
LOCATION /DIRECTIONS: Dayton Valley Rodeo Grounds in Dayton, NV, located approximately 11 miles east of Carson City
on Highway 50 East. Turn RIGHT onto Dayton Valley Rd at the stop light in Dayton. Heading West on Hwy 50 from Silver
Springs turn LEFT onto Dayton Valley Rd. Immediately after crossing the Carson River bridge turn RIGHT onto Ricci Road
(you will see the sign to Rodeo Grounds). Follow ½ mile, turn LEFT into the Rodeo Grounds. Ride Camp is open from Friday
thru Monday. Horse water will be available.
TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The rides will run in a figure eight loop, with an out vet check. Crews will have limited access, crew
bags can be sent out to the check. Hay, water and lunch will be provided by ride management. The trail is of moderate
difficulty in the Pine Nut Mountain Range. There are several rocky creek crossings in Eldorado Canyon which will be ridden
at the start and finish of all the rides. The trail has a variety of sandy and rocky terrain in a wooded juniper and pine nut
forest, with scenic views and rock formations. Elevation ranges from 4,500 to 6,500.
75 MILE AERC / AHA #130712564 LOCAL RIDE: The 75 mile ride will consist of the 50 mile figure eight trail, plus a 25 mile
loop trail from the out vet check. The 75 mile ride must be completed in order to be in contention for the NASTR Triple
Crown, which includes the Nevada Derby I 50, NASTR 75, and the Virginia City 100.
50 MILE AERC / AHA #140712563 LOCAL RIDE: The 50 mile ride will run in a figure eight loop, with 2 out vet checks.
30 MILE AERC LIMITED DISTANCE RIDE: The 30 mile trail is one loop with the out vet check half way. This limited distance
(LD) ride is being held to promote trail use and trail awareness among local horseback riders. Every successful finisher will
receive a completion award. All proceeds will go towards trail preservation.
PRE-VET CHECK: Saturday, May 24th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Control Judges; Karen Hassan, DVM, Susan McCartney,
DVM, Marcia Smith, DVM. All horses must be pre-vetted and numbered before starting the ride. A pre-ride meeting will be
held approximately at 7:00 p.m.
STARTING TIMES: 75 mile ride - 5:00 a.m. (18 hours elapsed time given for completion), 50 mile ride - 6:00 a.m. (12 hours
elapsed time given for completion), 30 mile ride -9:00 a.m. (7:15 hours elapsed time given for completion)
AWARDS: Completion awards will be given to all successful finishers on all three rides. There will also be awards for the
Overall Winner, 1st in each weight division, 1st Junior, Best Condition and Top Ten for both the 75 and 50 mile rides. A Best Condition Award will be given on the 30 mile ride. Please pick up your awards if you are not staying for the awards
presentation, as they will not be mailed.
MEALS: Ride day lunch will be served at the out vet check for all riders. Crews can purchase lunch for $5.00. There will be a Pot-luck dinner on Sunday evening. NASTR will provide meats and a 30th anniversary cake, please bring your favorite side
dish to share. The Ride results and awards presentation for the 30 and 50 mile ride will be announced at Sunday Dinner. 75
milers will be served as they finish and may pick up their award at that time.
ENTRY FEES: 75 mile ride - $95.00 pre-entry, $110.00 after 5/19/14 postmark
50 mile ride - $90.00 pre-entry, $105.00 after 5/19/14 postmark
30 mile ride - $85.00 pre-entry, $100.00 after 5/19/14 postmark
Juniors ride free with a sponsor. All non-AERC members must pay an additional $15.00. Cancellations by 5/22/14 will
receive a full refund. After 5/22/14 all but $20.00 will be refunded. No Shows will not receive a refund. A $25.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks. Checks will not be cashed until after the ride.
Kim Mileo - Ride Manager
Connie Creech - Ride Secretary
For more information see:
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
NW: Eagle Extreme
The Eagle Extreme 25/50 will take place June 14th near Eagle, Idaho. There will also be a 15-mile Intro ride.
For more information see
http://www.aerconline.org/erol/Calendar/RideDetails.asp?rideID=6363 or contact ride manager Carrie Johnson at cjohnson@wilsonharris.com
For more information see
http://www.aerconline.org/erol/Calendar/RideDetails.asp?rideID=6363 or contact ride manager Carrie Johnson at cjohnson@wilsonharris.com
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
SW: Listening Horse Therapeutic Riding 25/50

Come spend April 26-27 with us, competing in an AERC sanctioned endurance ride in the southern Caja del Rio, which is just west of Santa Fe, New Mexico!
Haul in on Friday, ride Saturday-Sunday, and haul home on Monday!
Our base camp will, once again, be at the lovely Santa Fe Equestrian Center. There's plenty of space in camp for large rigs and your equines will be stabled in covered pipe corrals. An arena has been set aside for warm up and turnouts!
There will be plenty of horse water, with fun, well-marked trails (and good footing) on ride day. Riders will be treated to scenic vistas of the Rio Grande valley and Sangre de Cristo Mountains. We hope to have a good ride for the green horse and for riders new to endurance.
This ride is being held by Listening Horse Therapeutic Riding, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Profits will be used to support their Santa Fe program. We encourage riders to raise donations for Listening Horse.
For more information see:
Wednesday, 5 March 2014
W: Nevada Derby I & II
Saturday, April 5, 2014 • 25/50 Miles (Triple Crown Qualifier)
Sunday, April 6, 2014 • 15/25/50 Miles
The Nevada Derby is the Nevada All-State Trail Riders spring training ride, continuing our own tradition of the Derby Ditch and Square Nail rides for the past 43 years. Due to various limiting conditions, the Nevada Derby Rides are relocating to the Washoe Lake State Park.
CAMP: Washoe Lake State Equestrian Park is located between Reno and Carson City Nevada at 4855 Eastlake Blvd, New Washoe
City. Due to the State Park fee schedule your overnight camping fees ARE NOT included in the entry fee. Your day use fee is covered by Ride Management. You will need to pay your camping fee upon arrival to the park, at the fee booth. A $10.00 per vehicle per night is required. NV Residents with annual parking permits are covered for day use only. Camp space is limited, please park as comfortably close as possible. Please don’t drive over the sagebrush. Restrooms, portable toilets and showers will be available. Horse water will be available. Please bring water for human consumption. The elevation is over 5000’ come prepared for any type of weather. Portable corrals should be placed outside the post barriers to better utilize vehicle parking space, please watch out for the drip system also. It is recommended that you leave your dog home, but if you do bring them, they MUST be on a leash at ALL TIMES (see Ride Rules) Ride camp opens on Thursday, April 3rd.
DIRECTIONS: Traveling South from Reno on I580 (US 395 S) take exit 44 and turn left onto Eastlake Blvd, approx. 3 miles is the entrance to the park on the left and it will be marked with ribbon. From Carson City, take I580/US395N to Exit 44 and turn right on Eastlake Blvd. and proceed to the park entrance on the left. Turn right after you have paid at the booth and proceed to the equestrian area.
TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The trail will be of moderate difficulty. Pads and /or Easyboots are recommended! The desert terrain
varies from rocky to sandy with steep uphill and downhill, some trails, some cross country and jeep roads. Elevation varies from 4600 to 7500’. The Saturday 50 mile ride will offer Triple Crown riders an opportunity to see some of the Virginia City 100 mile ride course. The 50 mile rides (Saturday and Sunday) will consist of three loops, each returning to camp for control vet checks. The 25 mile rides will consist of two loops, which offer the novice horse and rider a moderate challenge, while enjoying the beautiful views from the mountain tops and the beaches of Washoe Lake. The Sunday 15-Mile Fun Ride is an opportunity to experience the trail, vet checks, and lunch without the higher stress, cost, or awards associated with a longer distance rides. Riders are responsible for their own safety while crossing paved roads!!!
PRE-RIDE VET CHECK / RIDE MEETING: Our ride control judges will be Dr. Susan McCartney and Dr. Karen Hassan.
Vetting will begin after 4:00 pm on Friday, or upon the arrival of the veterinarians, whichever occurs later. The ride meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. Any time changes will be posted and/or announced.
STARTING TIMES: Both days the 50 mile rides will begin at 7:00 a.m. The 25 mile rides will begin at 8:00 a.m. The Sunday 15
mile fun ride will begin at 9:00 a.m.
SANCTIONING / RULES: The rides are sanctioned by the American Endurance Ride Conference and the Arabian Horse
Association. All A.E.R.C. and A.H.A. rules will apply. See additional ride rules. Both 50 mile rides are recognized AHA Local Rides (Saturday 50 mile ride #140712565 and Sunday 50 mile ride #140712666).
ENTRY FEE: 25 & 50 Mile Rides are $90.00. Juniors ride free with a sponsor. Postmark your paid entry on or before Friday 3/28/14 to avoid a $25.00 late fee (the late fee will apply to junior entries as well). The 15 mile fun ride is $25.00. Full refund if chains are required over the mountain passes the day before the ride. A partial refund will be given ($30.00 withheld) for cancellations on or after Wednesday, 4/2/1214. No show = No refund.
TRIPLE CROWN: The Nevada Derby I (Saturday) is the first test in our NASTR Triple Crown - three rides, of increasing distance and difficulty, through Northern Nevada valleys, deserts, foothills, and mountains. We invite you to test yourself and your horse, and join us in the fun and challenge, as well as the special awards. Triple Crown Nomination fee is $15.00 if paid at the time of Nevada Derby (day 1), $20 if paid at the time of NASTR 75, or $25 if paid at the time of Virginia City 100.
MEALS/BANQUET: Delicious Dutch Oven dinners will be available for purchase on Friday and Saturday nights for $10.00.
Lunches are provided for the riders and volunteers and will be available for crews to purchase at $8.00. Please purchase tickets included on the entry form, so that we can get a head count.
AWARDS: Completion awards to all 25’s and 50’s will be presented as soon as possible after each ride is finished: 25’s 2:00 p.m., 50’s 6:00 p.m. Additional awards to 1st place Overall, 1st place in each weight division,, 1st place Junior, Top Ten, and Best Condition on the 50 mile rides each day, and Best Condition on the 25 mile ride each day. Please pick up your awards if you are not staying for the awards presentation, as they will not be mailed.
For more information, see:
Sunday, April 6, 2014 • 15/25/50 Miles
The Nevada Derby is the Nevada All-State Trail Riders spring training ride, continuing our own tradition of the Derby Ditch and Square Nail rides for the past 43 years. Due to various limiting conditions, the Nevada Derby Rides are relocating to the Washoe Lake State Park.
CAMP: Washoe Lake State Equestrian Park is located between Reno and Carson City Nevada at 4855 Eastlake Blvd, New Washoe
City. Due to the State Park fee schedule your overnight camping fees ARE NOT included in the entry fee. Your day use fee is covered by Ride Management. You will need to pay your camping fee upon arrival to the park, at the fee booth. A $10.00 per vehicle per night is required. NV Residents with annual parking permits are covered for day use only. Camp space is limited, please park as comfortably close as possible. Please don’t drive over the sagebrush. Restrooms, portable toilets and showers will be available. Horse water will be available. Please bring water for human consumption. The elevation is over 5000’ come prepared for any type of weather. Portable corrals should be placed outside the post barriers to better utilize vehicle parking space, please watch out for the drip system also. It is recommended that you leave your dog home, but if you do bring them, they MUST be on a leash at ALL TIMES (see Ride Rules) Ride camp opens on Thursday, April 3rd.
DIRECTIONS: Traveling South from Reno on I580 (US 395 S) take exit 44 and turn left onto Eastlake Blvd, approx. 3 miles is the entrance to the park on the left and it will be marked with ribbon. From Carson City, take I580/US395N to Exit 44 and turn right on Eastlake Blvd. and proceed to the park entrance on the left. Turn right after you have paid at the booth and proceed to the equestrian area.
TRAIL DESCRIPTION: The trail will be of moderate difficulty. Pads and /or Easyboots are recommended! The desert terrain
varies from rocky to sandy with steep uphill and downhill, some trails, some cross country and jeep roads. Elevation varies from 4600 to 7500’. The Saturday 50 mile ride will offer Triple Crown riders an opportunity to see some of the Virginia City 100 mile ride course. The 50 mile rides (Saturday and Sunday) will consist of three loops, each returning to camp for control vet checks. The 25 mile rides will consist of two loops, which offer the novice horse and rider a moderate challenge, while enjoying the beautiful views from the mountain tops and the beaches of Washoe Lake. The Sunday 15-Mile Fun Ride is an opportunity to experience the trail, vet checks, and lunch without the higher stress, cost, or awards associated with a longer distance rides. Riders are responsible for their own safety while crossing paved roads!!!
PRE-RIDE VET CHECK / RIDE MEETING: Our ride control judges will be Dr. Susan McCartney and Dr. Karen Hassan.
Vetting will begin after 4:00 pm on Friday, or upon the arrival of the veterinarians, whichever occurs later. The ride meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. Any time changes will be posted and/or announced.
STARTING TIMES: Both days the 50 mile rides will begin at 7:00 a.m. The 25 mile rides will begin at 8:00 a.m. The Sunday 15
mile fun ride will begin at 9:00 a.m.
SANCTIONING / RULES: The rides are sanctioned by the American Endurance Ride Conference and the Arabian Horse
Association. All A.E.R.C. and A.H.A. rules will apply. See additional ride rules. Both 50 mile rides are recognized AHA Local Rides (Saturday 50 mile ride #140712565 and Sunday 50 mile ride #140712666).
ENTRY FEE: 25 & 50 Mile Rides are $90.00. Juniors ride free with a sponsor. Postmark your paid entry on or before Friday 3/28/14 to avoid a $25.00 late fee (the late fee will apply to junior entries as well). The 15 mile fun ride is $25.00. Full refund if chains are required over the mountain passes the day before the ride. A partial refund will be given ($30.00 withheld) for cancellations on or after Wednesday, 4/2/1214. No show = No refund.
TRIPLE CROWN: The Nevada Derby I (Saturday) is the first test in our NASTR Triple Crown - three rides, of increasing distance and difficulty, through Northern Nevada valleys, deserts, foothills, and mountains. We invite you to test yourself and your horse, and join us in the fun and challenge, as well as the special awards. Triple Crown Nomination fee is $15.00 if paid at the time of Nevada Derby (day 1), $20 if paid at the time of NASTR 75, or $25 if paid at the time of Virginia City 100.
MEALS/BANQUET: Delicious Dutch Oven dinners will be available for purchase on Friday and Saturday nights for $10.00.
Lunches are provided for the riders and volunteers and will be available for crews to purchase at $8.00. Please purchase tickets included on the entry form, so that we can get a head count.
AWARDS: Completion awards to all 25’s and 50’s will be presented as soon as possible after each ride is finished: 25’s 2:00 p.m., 50’s 6:00 p.m. Additional awards to 1st place Overall, 1st place in each weight division,, 1st place Junior, Top Ten, and Best Condition on the 50 mile rides each day, and Best Condition on the 25 mile ride each day. Please pick up your awards if you are not staying for the awards presentation, as they will not be mailed.
For more information, see:
Monday, 3 March 2014
NE: Old Dominion No Frills
The Old Dominion No Frills ride will be TWO DAYS this year! Friday, April 25th, and Saturday, April 26th.
Time to get your horses ready for this really incredible opening season ride. Gorgeous scenery, challenging trails, beautiful mountains, lots of social fun at ridecamp, and a guaranteed cornucopia of weather sure to make your ride a memorable one to tell about for years to come.
Entry forms are already online at: http://www.olddominionrides.org/
We'll see you at John Crandell and Ann Mebane’s farm in Star Tannery, VA in April!
Time to get your horses ready for this really incredible opening season ride. Gorgeous scenery, challenging trails, beautiful mountains, lots of social fun at ridecamp, and a guaranteed cornucopia of weather sure to make your ride a memorable one to tell about for years to come.
Entry forms are already online at: http://www.olddominionrides.org/
We'll see you at John Crandell and Ann Mebane’s farm in Star Tannery, VA in April!
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
PS: Bar H ride postponed
Due to deteriorating weather, the 2-day Bar H ride in Gavilan Hills, California has been postponed to April 5-6.
For more information on the Bar H ride, see
For more information on the Bar H ride, see
W: Tevis Fun Ride
July 4th- 6th, 2014
Join us for a weekend of fun on the Western States Trail at Foresthill, CA
Two trail options to choose from: a 20- mile one-way ride on the California Street WS trail, or a 12- mile out
and back ride to Michigan Bluff.
Enjoy camaraderie, spectacular summer flowers, and gorgeous views along the trail. Participate in the hands on clinics that will be ongoing throughout both Saturday and Sunday as well as the possibility of winning a100 Mile Western States Trail Ride entry.
Your $50 donation will include all of the above as well as helping the WSTF with trail maintenance and
improvements on the Western States Trail.
Contact: Western States Trail Foundation
Terryl Reed (530) 852-2111, hraflame@hotmail.com
Join us for a weekend of fun on the Western States Trail at Foresthill, CA
Two trail options to choose from: a 20- mile one-way ride on the California Street WS trail, or a 12- mile out
and back ride to Michigan Bluff.
Enjoy camaraderie, spectacular summer flowers, and gorgeous views along the trail. Participate in the hands on clinics that will be ongoing throughout both Saturday and Sunday as well as the possibility of winning a100 Mile Western States Trail Ride entry.
Your $50 donation will include all of the above as well as helping the WSTF with trail maintenance and
improvements on the Western States Trail.
Contact: Western States Trail Foundation
Terryl Reed (530) 852-2111, hraflame@hotmail.com
Friday, 7 February 2014
W: Mariposa Run For the Gold
The Mariposa “Run for the Gold” Endurance Ride is back by popular demand and dedicated to the memory of Richard Theodore who passed away August 27, 2010. “Rich” was born in Oakland, CA on October 30, 1935 and moved to Mariposa in 1977 after riding the Mariposa “Run for the Gold” Endurance Ride in 1976. His family was responsible for the ride being held from 1998 until 2008.
Rich loved riding his horses and was active with the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC), the Western States
Trail Foundation (TEVIS), the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Posse, Mariposa Pioneer Wagon Train, Mariposa County 4-H, Mariposa Mountain Riders, California State Horsemen’s Association, and the North American Trail Ride Conference
The Rich Theodore Memorial Mariposa “Run for the Gold” 25 or 50 mile Endurance Ride is set for May 31, 2014, in the AERC West Region of California and will be hosted by the Mariposa Mountain Riders. There is also a 15 Mile FUN Ride
for those who want to experience endurance riding at a beginner’s level. This is a picturesque ride that consists of trails and fire break roads along ranches and U.S. Forestry land heavy with growths of pine, cedar, oak trees and Manzanita in the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains of Mariposa County. It has many panoramic views, some into Yosemite National Park. The trails have been rerouted and will not be as difficult as in the past. Elevations vary from 3800 feet to 5000 feet.
Base Camp opens for overnight camping on Thursday, May 29th for an additional $5.00 camp fee. Ride Entry fees include
overnight camping from Friday May 30st to Sunday June 1st and will be on the Circle 9 Ranch, a historic working ranch in
Jerseydale, about 10 miles northeast of the town of Mariposa.
Join us Friday at 6 pm for a “Bring Your Own Meat BBQ” with all the other meal trimmings and desert provided by the
Mariposa Mountain Riders for a $5.00 donation. Raffle tickets will also be sold Friday by the Mariposa Mountain Riders,
and all raffle prize winners will be announced at that night’s dinner. Bring your own chair and join us around the campfire for horse stories, cowboy poetry, and friendly folklore.
An awards banquet will be held on Saturday, June 1st. This function will close out the 25/50 Mile Endurance Ride with an
awards presentation which will include 1st in each category, Top Ten, and Best Overall Condition. All competitors completing the 25 or 50 Mile Ride will receive a commemorative award and, of course, a delicious BBQ Chicken dinner.
Additional awards banquet tickets can be purchased for $15.00 each. All entrants that finish the FUN Ride with receive a
certificate of completion. After the awards presentation, join us for more fun around the campfire.
This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend for the love of endurance riding, horses, and Rich
Theodore. For further information on the ride or entry forms, please go to the AERC website ride calendar at:
www.aerc.org/ or
Jane Smith, Ride Manager
Home Phone: 209-966-4003
Becky Hackworth, Ride Secretary
Cell Phone: 599-760-6036
The Mariposa “Run for the Gold” Endurance Ride is back by popular demand and dedicated to the memory of Richard Theodore who passed away August 27, 2010. “Rich” was born in Oakland, CA on October 30, 1935 and moved to Mariposa in 1977 after riding the Mariposa “Run for the Gold” Endurance Ride in 1976. His family was responsible for the ride being held from 1998 until 2008.
Rich loved riding his horses and was active with the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC), the Western States
Trail Foundation (TEVIS), the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Posse, Mariposa Pioneer Wagon Train, Mariposa County 4-H, Mariposa Mountain Riders, California State Horsemen’s Association, and the North American Trail Ride Conference
The Rich Theodore Memorial Mariposa “Run for the Gold” 25 or 50 mile Endurance Ride is set for May 31, 2014, in the AERC West Region of California and will be hosted by the Mariposa Mountain Riders. There is also a 15 Mile FUN Ride
for those who want to experience endurance riding at a beginner’s level. This is a picturesque ride that consists of trails and fire break roads along ranches and U.S. Forestry land heavy with growths of pine, cedar, oak trees and Manzanita in the southern Sierra Nevada Mountains of Mariposa County. It has many panoramic views, some into Yosemite National Park. The trails have been rerouted and will not be as difficult as in the past. Elevations vary from 3800 feet to 5000 feet.
Base Camp opens for overnight camping on Thursday, May 29th for an additional $5.00 camp fee. Ride Entry fees include
overnight camping from Friday May 30st to Sunday June 1st and will be on the Circle 9 Ranch, a historic working ranch in
Jerseydale, about 10 miles northeast of the town of Mariposa.
Join us Friday at 6 pm for a “Bring Your Own Meat BBQ” with all the other meal trimmings and desert provided by the
Mariposa Mountain Riders for a $5.00 donation. Raffle tickets will also be sold Friday by the Mariposa Mountain Riders,
and all raffle prize winners will be announced at that night’s dinner. Bring your own chair and join us around the campfire for horse stories, cowboy poetry, and friendly folklore.
An awards banquet will be held on Saturday, June 1st. This function will close out the 25/50 Mile Endurance Ride with an
awards presentation which will include 1st in each category, Top Ten, and Best Overall Condition. All competitors completing the 25 or 50 Mile Ride will receive a commemorative award and, of course, a delicious BBQ Chicken dinner.
Additional awards banquet tickets can be purchased for $15.00 each. All entrants that finish the FUN Ride with receive a
certificate of completion. After the awards presentation, join us for more fun around the campfire.
This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend for the love of endurance riding, horses, and Rich
Theodore. For further information on the ride or entry forms, please go to the AERC website ride calendar at:
www.aerc.org/ or
Jane Smith, Ride Manager
Home Phone: 209-966-4003
Becky Hackworth, Ride Secretary
Cell Phone: 599-760-6036
Sunday, 26 January 2014
SE: Broxton Bridge
Greetings Riders! We know the weather has been very chilly this winter - but we are going into a warming trend. Please come join us at Broxton Bridge Plantation at Ehrhardt, South Carolina, on January 31-Feb 1 for a 25/50/75/100 on Friday or 25/50/75 on Saturday.
If we receive your entries (online) by Monday morning January 27 at 8 am, we will waive ALL late fees!
Fore more information, see
If we receive your entries (online) by Monday morning January 27 at 8 am, we will waive ALL late fees!
Fore more information, see
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
MT: Ft Meade Remount

The Ft. Meade Remount Endurance Ride, sanctioned by the American Endurance Rider's Conference, started in 2007. The idea for the ride at this site came from my mom, Millie Humphrey, an avid horse and mule rider who rode cavalry horses in this area in the 1940s. Anyone who loves history will love riding The Remount.
We are excited to share this accessible, beautiful and historic location with you. Each year our goal is to provide a safe, interesting, well-marked, and challenging ride where riders believe they receive support from ride management and veterinarians.
The ride takes place at the Fort Meade Recreation Area, located in the Black Hills near Sturgis, South Dakota. The 6,693 acres of forest and grassland in the recreation area is managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Numerous historic structures are along the trail or visible from the trail. Riders will have access to the Fort Meade Cavalry Museum, Bear Butte State Park, Fort Meade Post Cemetery and the Black Hills National Cemetery (called the Arlington of the West). Eleven miles of the 111 mile Centennial Trail (Interagency National Recreation Trail) run through this recreation area. We also utilize Bear Butte State Park, City of Sturgis, Fort Meade Veteran's Administration, National Forest Service, State of South Dakota and private land for this ride.
RIDE CAMP is located at Alkali Creek Trailhead, approximately l/2 mile from Interstate 90 at Exit 34. The elevation is 3,450 feet. While Sturgis, Interstate 90 and Highway 34 are adjacent to the ride area, this land is pristine and very natural. It has an abundance of grass, pine, oak, fruit bushes, sand rock outcroppings, deer, birds, packed dirt trails and natural water. There are very few irritating bugs.
TRAILS We utilize the Centennial Trail, other single-track and double-track trails, pasture, dirt roads, and some gravel roads. Footing is good. We recommend shoes or boots on day 2.
PHOTOGRAPHER Paschal and Deb Karl (Karl Creations) will be taking photos during the ride. They will be available for purchase.
VETERINARIANS Our 2009 veterinarian team will be back for 2011. Head vet is Leon Self DVM from the Central Region. Our other two vets are also experienced endurance vets: Liz Boos DVM and Irina Weese DVM, both from the Mountain Region.
RULES All rules of the AERC and the Fort Meade Recreation Area will be enforced by ride management. No metal detectors are allowed in this area. Hay MUST be certified weed free. We will have CWF grass hay available but please let me know at least one week in advance if you need hay and number of bales. There is plentiful grazing in and around camp. All riders and volunteers must sign a liability waiver. Juniors must wear approved helmets.
You may bring your dogs but NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED OFF LEASH ON THE FORT MEADE RECREATION AREA. No dogs will be allowed at meals or meeting.
CAMPING We will utilize Alkali Creek Campground and Alkali Creek Horse Camp as well as grassy areas along the Byway. We will have someone direct you to a suitable area. You may tie your horses or put up small corrals or electric corrals. These campgrounds are grassy, have vault toilets, potable water, trees, covered eating area, dumpsters, and a seasonal creek. PLAN TO RECYCLE GLASS, PLASTIC, ALUMINUM, TIN, CARDBOARD, AND NEWSPAPER. Manure will be put into a manure spreader. Muck buckets and wheelbarrows will be available.
MEALS Snacks and drinks will be provided at Thursday night's ride meeting, which will be held at the Fort Meade Cavalry Museum. The trolley will be available for riders who do not wish to drive to the meeting. Friday and Saturday evening meals will be catered and are included in your ride entry. Please let us know if you are bringing guests so we can supply the caterer with an approximate number of meals. Restaurants and grocery stores as well as a liquor store are two miles from camp in Sturgis. I encourage you to patronize businesses in Sturgis. We can have bonfires every night.
EMERGENCY Cell phone service is available in camp and on the majority of the trail. We will supply you with important numbers. Excellent surgical/veterinary facilities as well as a hospital/clinic/ER are available in Sturgis if needed.
PLANNING Please let me know if you are coming. It is helpful if we have all information so we can start putting it in the computer before the ride.
AMENITIES We have made arrangements for you to take showers and check your e-mail at a local campground for a nominal fee.
VOLUNTEERS We love our volunteers. Most of them help us every year and many are children who love horses. We appreciate smiles and kind words, since that is the only payment for helping you and your horse.
For more information see:
Saturday, 4 January 2014
CT: 2014 Texas Bluebonnet Classic
The Texas Bluebonnet Classic has been sanctioned for April 26, 2014 at the LBJ Grasslands, Decatur, TX as usual. We will only have a 25/50 this year but will have the AHA Region 9 50 mile Championship. Also, the 25 & 50 are sanctioned not only by AERC but as AHA local rides for those that ride for sweepstakes points.
We are in need of a ride secretary as I won't do both ride manager and secretary. So, if you feel inclined to step up and volunteer for this position; please send me an e-mail. All volunteers for ride day would be greatly appreciated and fed.
For more information see:
The Texas Bluebonnet Classic has been sanctioned for April 26, 2014 at the LBJ Grasslands, Decatur, TX as usual. We will only have a 25/50 this year but will have the AHA Region 9 50 mile Championship. Also, the 25 & 50 are sanctioned not only by AERC but as AHA local rides for those that ride for sweepstakes points.
We are in need of a ride secretary as I won't do both ride manager and secretary. So, if you feel inclined to step up and volunteer for this position; please send me an e-mail. All volunteers for ride day would be greatly appreciated and fed.
For more information see:
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