Why pre-enter for 2013 Arabian Horse Association Distance Nationals!? Incentives, incentives! For each day you pre-register, you are elligble to be entered in a drawing! Check out the flyer and contact me if you have questions. July 29th is around the corner - and very early compared to the ride - so if you can't pre-register by then, watch for more "Incentives"!!! Watch the websites (http://www.arabianhorses.org/ or http://www.ahdra.org/) for updates about the ride site and trails. AHDRA also has a facebook page if you are interested in joining; look under "Events" for additional information about the 2013 AHA Distance Nationals.

Why pre-enter?
Pre-entries give ride managers a “head’s up” – knowing that you are coming allows Management to plan for:
Veterinary Staffing
More Time for Ride Management to Verify Qualifications and Prepare Paperwork Equals Reduced Lines at Check-In!
Trailer Parking
Meeting Room Space
Trail Preparedness – how much traffic, how long will riders be out, etc
Pre-entries postmarked by July 29
will be entered in a drawing for a
$20 Gift Certificate from The Distance Depot.
There will be a drawing for each “Event” entered – the 100 Mile Ride, the 50 Mile Ride, and the two-day 70 Mile Ride. One entry equals one chance at your event’s drawing. The drawing will be held the night before the event. Open riders are encouraged to pre-enter; their entries qualify them for the drawing the night before their entry.
Entry forms can be found at:
• http://www.arabianhorses.org/competitions/nationalevents/natdist/2013/information.asp
• http://www.ahdra.org/rides.html
Can’t commit in July? Monitor:
• http://www.arabianhorses.org under the Distance Nationals page
• www.ahdra.org
• And the 2013 Arabian Horse Association Distance Nationals Event Page (found under AHDRA’s Facebook group).
All of these sites can give you up-to-date information about trails, camping, vet-check parameters, and future “bonus” deadlines!
*Note: Distance Depot is one of our vendors!
Please see entry information for cancellation policies.
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