The Ft. Meade Remount Endurance Ride, sanctioned by the American Endurance Rider's Conference, started in 2007. The idea for the ride at this site came from my mom, Millie Humphrey, an avid horse and mule rider who rode cavalry horses in this area in the 1940s. Anyone who loves history will love riding The Remount.
We are excited to share this accessible, beautiful and historic location with you. Each year our goal is to provide a safe, interesting, well-marked, and challenging ride where riders believe they receive support from ride management and veterinarians.
The ride takes place at the Fort Meade Recreation Area, located in the Black Hills near Sturgis, South Dakota. The 6,693 acres of forest and grassland in the recreation area is managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Numerous historic structures are along the trail or visible from the trail. Riders will have access to the Fort Meade Cavalry Museum, Bear Butte State Park, Fort Meade Post Cemetery and the Black Hills National Cemetery (called the Arlington of the West). Eleven miles of the 111 mile Centennial Trail (Interagency National Recreation Trail) run through this recreation area. We also utilize Bear Butte State Park, City of Sturgis, Fort Meade Veteran's Administration, National Forest Service, State of South Dakota and private land for this ride.
RIDE CAMP is located at Alkali Creek Trailhead, approximately l/2 mile from Interstate 90 at Exit 34. The elevation is 3,450 feet. While Sturgis, Interstate 90 and Highway 34 are adjacent to the ride area, this land is pristine and very natural. It has an abundance of grass, pine, oak, fruit bushes, sand rock outcroppings, deer, birds, packed dirt trails and natural water. There are very few irritating bugs.
TRAILS We utilize the Centennial Trail, other single-track and double-track trails, pasture, dirt roads, and some gravel roads. Footing is good. We recommend shoes or boots on day 2.
PHOTOGRAPHER Paschal and Deb Karl (Karl Creations) will be taking photos during the ride. They will be available for purchase.
VETERINARIANS Our 2009 veterinarian team will be back for 2011. Head vet is Leon Self DVM from the Central Region. Our other two vets are also experienced endurance vets: Liz Boos DVM and Irina Weese DVM, both from the Mountain Region.
RULES All rules of the AERC and the Fort Meade Recreation Area will be enforced by ride management. No metal detectors are allowed in this area. Hay MUST be certified weed free. We will have CWF grass hay available but please let me know at least one week in advance if you need hay and number of bales. There is plentiful grazing in and around camp. All riders and volunteers must sign a liability waiver. Juniors must wear approved helmets.
You may bring your dogs but NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED OFF LEASH ON THE FORT MEADE RECREATION AREA. No dogs will be allowed at meals or meeting.
CAMPING We will utilize Alkali Creek Campground and Alkali Creek Horse Camp as well as grassy areas along the Byway. We will have someone direct you to a suitable area. You may tie your horses or put up small corrals or electric corrals. These campgrounds are grassy, have vault toilets, potable water, trees, covered eating area, dumpsters, and a seasonal creek. PLAN TO RECYCLE GLASS, PLASTIC, ALUMINUM, TIN, CARDBOARD, AND NEWSPAPER. Manure will be put into a manure spreader. Muck buckets and wheelbarrows will be available.
MEALS Snacks and drinks will be provided at Thursday night's ride meeting, which will be held at the Fort Meade Cavalry Museum. The trolley will be available for riders who do not wish to drive to the meeting. Friday and Saturday evening meals will be catered and are included in your ride entry. Please let us know if you are bringing guests so we can supply the caterer with an approximate number of meals. Restaurants and grocery stores as well as a liquor store are two miles from camp in Sturgis. I encourage you to patronize businesses in Sturgis. We can have bonfires every night.
EMERGENCY Cell phone service is available in camp and on the majority of the trail. We will supply you with important numbers. Excellent surgical/veterinary facilities as well as a hospital/clinic/ER are available in Sturgis if needed.
PLANNING Please let me know if you are coming. It is helpful if we have all information so we can start putting it in the computer before the ride.
AMENITIES We have made arrangements for you to take showers and check your e-mail at a local campground for a nominal fee.
VOLUNTEERS We love our volunteers. Most of them help us every year and many are children who love horses. We appreciate smiles and kind words, since that is the only payment for helping you and your horse.
For more information see:
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