Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Olympia Endurance Clinic 2015

February 21-22 2015 in sunny Olympia WA!

Our very first endurance clinic weekend is in the planning stages - a full weekend of learning, clinician DR SUSAN GARLINGHOUSE , and a mini e-ride on sunday!

If you're local, come and learn! if you're not local, its an easy plane ride away....

We have a facebook group that people can join to stay current on developments, and chime in for ideas, or suggestions on programming, etc. We're trying some different stuff and I'm really thinking that if it works, its gonna be AWESOME. wanna eavesdrop? or heck, we're only a plane ticket away! feel free to join us at

Saturday, 6 December 2014

W: Tevis Educational Ride

SAVE THE DATE - JULY 4 & 5, 2015

The Tevis Educational ride is two days of riding, Saturday, July 4 and Sunday, July 5. Both days will be staged out of the Foresthill Mill site. On Saturday, riders will trailer up to Robinsons Flat from Foresthill and ride the trail back to Foresthill. Crew will be needed to move your rig. On Sunday, riders will ride from Foresthill to Franciscos then loop through Todd Valley and back to Foresthill. There will be speakers on both Friday and Saturday night. This is a great opportunity to see a large part of the Tevis trail for both people who want to do the ride and people who don't want to do the whole distance. For more information or to sign up, contact Lori Stewart at

Friday, 5 December 2014

SW: 2015 Lead, Follow, or Get Out Of My Way

Lead Follow or Get Out Of My Way Ride at Bumble Bee Ranch on January 24th 2015 is just around the corner. Before you get caught up in the Holiday rush get your entry in. We are limitted by permit to 150 riders no exceptions. Entry and flyer are at

AERC Endurance 101 Clinic in Utah

Endurance rider Janet Tipton and McEwan Farm, and veterinarian Susan Garlinghouse are teaming up to present an Endurance 101 clinic February 7 in Toole, Utah.

The indoor/unmounted clinic will to introduce you to the sport of AERC endurance riding, review how the competitions work, how to prepare the horse and rider, and how to have not just success, but fun! The clinic is geared toward riders new to the sport, either contemplating trying it, or in their first season or two of competition.

Cost is $25 per attendee, with juniors under 18 free with Specialized Saddles paying their fee. Clinic registration postmark deadline is January 24, 2015.

For more information see: or contact Janet at