Saturday 29 August 2015

W: Quicksilver Fall Classic

The Quicksilver Fall Classic in 2014 was limited to 70 rider and we had a
waiting list. This year is different. We behaved so well last year that the
ranger will allow more entrants for our October 3, 2015 ride. The perfect
fall ride awaits your pleasure. Don't be on the waiting list so that all
week you worry about whether you should be packing the horse trailer or not.

You know all those old horse magazines that you can't bear to throw out,
but are clogging up your house? Well bring them to our ride. We will have a
special table for you to spread them out on. In appreciation, you can grab
any that other people have brought. Any left the day after the ride will be
recycled. Now they have to be horse oriented. We do not want People, Sports
Illustrated or Architectural Digest. Just horsey magazines for horsey

With the increase in the size of the ride, we definitely need more
volunteers. So earn your Brownie Scout badge by helping out on, before or
after ride day. Contact Lori Oleson at 408-710-5651 or Jayne Perryman at
408-828-5362 and you will make their day! And all the riders, too.

Check the AERC ride calendar, circle October 3rd, send in your entry and
smile, even if there is no one around to see it.

You know this ride will be Christmas, your birthday and the 4th of July all
rolled into one great day of rolling hills, shaded creek trails, great
companions, and then the real reason we are there....we are hopelessly, and
beyond redemption, in love with the horses.


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