Date: May 21, 2016
Vets: Head Vet/Control Judge: Mike Vanzwol, DVM
Control Veterinarians: Gordon Bunting, DVM, and others TBD
Ride Camp:
The ride camp is located in a large grass meadow near the Mt Adams Horse Camp. Weather can be very chilly at night, com come prepared! No open camp fires! There will be a communal fire ring near the vetting area. Ride management approved enclosed fires will be allowed.
All AERC/PNER rules apply.
Manure removal services will again be offered by the Midnight Riders 4-H Club from Trout Lake. If you choose not to donate to the club, you will need to take your horse’s manure home with you since it’s USFS rules that all manure is removed from the field after the ride. Thank you for donating to the club!
Certified weed free hay is required on all USFS lands. We will have a limited amount of certified weed free hay available for $14/bale. Please reserve yours asap by sending Darlene a message asap! Most feed stores also carry certified weed free hay.
No loose dogs – please leash or contain
Trail/Introductory Ride – $30
30 miler – $90
55 miler – $100
80 miler – $115
100 miler – $145
Discounts available!
$10 discount for PNER members (must show PNER card!)
50% discount for Jr riders & Senior Citizens (70+)
50% discount for PNER Ride Managers (Reciprocal)
From Oregon I-84
Take exit 64, Hood River
Cross Columbia River, via toll bridge
West on Hwy 14 ~1mi
North on Alt Hwy 141 ~4 miles
Continue North on Hwy 141 ~20 miles to Trout Lake
In Trout Lake, bear right at the service station/cafe (Andy’s) and follow signs and ribbons to the ride camp. While there, stop in and treat yourself to one of their famous huckleberry shakes or smoothies!
Ride Management Team:
In charge of sanctioning, trails, and a few other things:
Darlene Anderson – Ride Manager
In charge of all things Ride & Tie:
Stephanie Irving, Trail Queen, No Mt Adams Ride would be complete without recognizing the efforts that long time manager and overseer and our official Trail Queen. She knows the trails up there like the back of her hand. She gives invaluable insight to the ride!
Ben Volk, super runner, and endurance rider!
In charge of trails:
Max Merlich – Co-Manager, Co-Trail Boss and Salamander Taste Tester
In charge of permits, etc:
Veronica Glenn
In charge of registration, results, & timing:
Anna Sampson – Absolutely, without a doubt, the best timer, paperwork specialist, and results queen EVER. She makes it look easy!
Ride Photographer:
Jessica R Wynne
Planning to ride the 100 miler?
Please send your entry to Anna Sampson by May 7, 2016
Anna Sampson (email Anna with any entry questions: sampson@molalla.net)
40958 S Sawtell Rd
Molalla, OR 97038
For more information see:
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