Saturday 4 June 2011

MT: Fort Howes Update

June 4 2011

Trails are marked, basecamp is mowed, paperwork is being filed, ALL is a go for the 11th and 12th of June for the 14th Annual Fort Howes Endurance Rides near Ashland, Montana! Saturday we are offering a 35 , 50 and 75 mile ride. Sunday riders will enjoy either a 55 or a 100 mile ride. Those interested in FEI rides can cross-enter in 50, 55, 75 and/or the 100. The ride is also sanctioned with AHA - the 50 miler on Saturday will serve as the Region 6 Championship with the Sunday 55 and 100 serving as "local rides".

We are WAIVING the late fee...come one, come all! Please use our on-line entry form if possible as this helps a great deal with the paperwork aspect of things.

Concerning the huge amounts of rain that we've received in the last month - yes we did, however, the footing is FANTASTIC!!!! Tons of water out on trail which means we won't have to haul out as much as we usually do. Tons of grass for ponies to graze while traveling down the trails. Like we mentioned, the basecamp has been totally mowed - but there is plenty left for hand grazing all around.

Roads closed??? Well, yes there is a section of HWY 212 between Lame Deer, MT and Ashland, MT that is closed, however, there is a route available (all paved) that goes from Lame Deer to Birney to Ashland that adds about 20-30 minutes more to the usual travel time for those coming from the west.

EHV-1??? Currently Montana has not identified any positive cases of the virus. Our plan is to keep it that way. As always, Montana does require Health Certificates (which includes an Entry Permit Number requested by the Veterinarian who is doing the Health Certificate - (406) 444-2976) within 30 days of entry into the state. We will be checking all equines for Heath Certificates prior to allowing them to park. We are also planning on having everyone check their horses temperatures twice a day while they are here - so please bring your thermometers. The AERC Veterinary Committee is suggesting that if your horse has a temp of 102 or higher that you should stay home - we would appreciate that as well. As many of you know we have a huge basecamp - we plan to spread everyone out more than normal so that horses aren't right next to each other. We also intend on 'fencing off' our water tanks in basecamp and allow only dipping - utilizing our buckets to fill your buckets. Our Control Judges will also be implementing safety precautions when handling your horses at the holds by utilizing gloves and/or hand sanitizer between horses - they also may ask the handler of the horse to show the mucus membranes to the judge.

Please check our website for updates and more detailed directions. www (dot) forthowes (dot) net

Thanks and hope to see you here!

Bill and Jan Stevens

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