Saturday 4 June 2011

W: Gold Country Endurance Ride Update

July 2, 2011
Dru Barner Equestrian Park, California

AERC sanctioned event: 30 mile and 50 mile ride

Gold Country Endurance Riders would like to offer an opportunity for local and visiting equestrians to help raise the $20,000 match needed for a $738,000 grant to purchase 151 acres on Salmon Falls Road. This parcel will be designated for a trailhead and staging area. GCER will match the funds that are donated at the Gold Country Endurance Ride. We will have someone from the American River Conservancy at registration from 12:00 - 5:00 on Friday to answer any questions. This is a great opportunity to give Endurance a try! 30 milers have 7.5 hours and 50 milers have 12 hours to complete, there will be Veterinarian supervision and the away vet checks are arguably the best in all of Endurance. Crew is not allowed but riders and their horses are treated like royalty with tasty snacks and lots of GREAT volunteers. Please visit our website at


The American River Conservancy (ARC) has been awarded a $738,000 competitive grant to purchase 151 acres on Salmon Falls Road that will serve as an equestrian trailhead for the South Fork American River trail. ARC believes this acquisition will allow equestrians to travel the entire trail from Highway 49 (Magnolia Ranch) all the way to Salmon Falls Road. Following the purchase of this land, ARC would work with the Bureau of Land Management and the equestrian community to build a trailhead large enough to accommodate pick-up trucks and horse trailers. In order to receive these grant funds and close escrow by our contractual date in late July, 2011 ARC must raise $20,000 as a local match to these grant funds. The purchase price is $758,000 and is equal to the fair market value as established by an independent appraiser. WE NEED HELP FROM THE COMMUNITY to complete the final equestrian link on this South Fork American River trail. Please donate whatever you can to help ARC complete this last equestrian link in the trail. 100% of your donation will be used toward the purchase price of the subject 151 acres of land. For more information, please contact Julie Andert or Noël Robinson at (530) 621-1224 or Elena DeLacy at (530) 295-2190.

Donations can be made on-line at ARC’s secure website at

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