Just one more week until the Harvey Bear Endurance Clinic in San Martin California, just south of San Jose. There is still room, so get those entries in, and you can also register on site on Saturday morning.
Remember the talks start about noon on Saturday. Don't miss endurance legends Becky Hart and Julie Suhr Suhr's talks! The first 15 entries get a copy of Julie's book, and I bet you can get her to sign it for you!
Our latest update is i'm happy to announce our head vet will be Dr Susan McCartney from Nevada. Susan is a very highly respected vet from the West region and has been working endurance rides for many, many years.
For full details see https://nwarhol.wixsite.com/clinic
The Picture is the legendary Wonder Appaloosa of Endurance, Warpaint, owned and ridden by my wife Judy. This shot is at the Death Valley encounter, where Judy and Wartpaint held the record for the most days by a single horse and rider combo. (they probably still do!)
See you there!
Nick Warhol
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