All days are AHA sanctioned for the 50 mile distances.
All days will have Trail Rides - but we'll need to know in advance when/where you're going since we'll be out on the trail or at the vetchecks most of the first 4 days.
Trail maps are finally figured out and available at http://www.endurance.net/international/USA/2011OwyheeCanyonlands
There are a few changes (mostly adding mileage here and there and trying to get all the days work out right).
Day 1 - we'll ride around Wildhorse Butte (similar to last year but a few minor trail changes and additions)
Day 2 - we have permission to go into the foothills of Toy Mountain and ride the Alder Creek trail (the cows are all up higher grazing now). This is a very pretty trail.
Day 3 - will be new for the Canyonlands - a loop north of the highway on some nice trails for the 50's, and then both distances will drop down into Joyce Ranch - ride several miles along the irrigation canal - really pretty actually, full of water, loaded with sunflowers and blooming rabbit brush. Lots of wildlife along this stretch. Then you'll ride around Sinker Reservoir and up lower Sinker Canyon - very pretty! It should be a nice day.
Day 4 - will be the 'traditional' Sinker Canyon ride but the 50's will drop down into Sinker Creek farther down at the Joyce Ranch and ride through the ranch along the canal bank, and then up the entire stretch of canyon. Then the 50's will loop up into the hills on the way back after the vetcheck.
Day's 1 - 4 will be big loop rides with out vet checks.
Day 5 - two big loops with one vet check in camp - north into the Birds of Prey, and then south to Hart Creek.
Dinners will be provided by Blue Canoe Restaurant - plus they'll be set up to serve food all day for those left in camp.
It's been hot and dry the past couple months but there's still water in some of the creeks (a cold wet spring!!) and the trails are in pretty good shape.
Pre-registration is open, please sign up if you think you're coming - even if you don't know which days for sure. We're expecting a lower turnout this year and really need to plan carefully for awards and meals.
See ya there!
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