A new official entry form is available for the Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way Endurance Ride at McDowell Mtn.Park in Fountain Hills, Arizona on
Saturday, November 19, 2011
AERC Sanctioned Ride 30, 50 and 75 Miles
12 Mile Fun ride
Entry Fee & deadline: Entries received by Thursday, November 10, 2011 will receive a $10.00 discount. Make sure you get your entry in on time to insure your T-shirt size. A full refund of entry fee will be given to any applicant entered in an event provided that applicant has not started in the event. Once the applicant starts in the event, the entry fee is not refundable. No refunds will be issued the day after the ride. Ride Manager must be notified of cancellation by the start of the ride or no refund will be issued.
Trails: Trail is in moderate condition. There are rocks, sandy washes, and abundance of cactus. It is a single track trail,
Also it is a shared trail with hikers and bicyclists.
Campsite: Primitive camping, horse water and port a potties. Horse water available for hauling.Pick up your manure, shavings and hay from your campsite. Dumpsters are available on site. Your campsite must be spotless.
Please help ride management and pre-register
For a ride entry form, click here
Entries can be mailed to:
Jodie Dukerich
16219 N 12th St. Phoenix, Az. 85022
Or faxed to 602-368-9060
or E-mail: jmdukerich@cox.net
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