Sunday, 27 May 2018

W: Harvey Bear Endurance Clinic Next Weekend

May 27 2018

Just one more week until the Harvey Bear Endurance Clinic in San Martin California, just south of San Jose. There is still room, so get those entries in, and you can also register on site on Saturday morning.

Remember the talks start about noon on Saturday. Don't miss endurance legends Becky Hart and Julie Suhr Suhr's talks! The first 15 entries get a copy of Julie's book, and I bet you can get her to sign it for you!

Our latest update is i'm happy to announce our head vet will be Dr Susan McCartney from Nevada. Susan is a very highly respected vet from the West region and has been working endurance rides for many, many years.

For full details see

The Picture is the legendary Wonder Appaloosa of Endurance, Warpaint, owned and ridden by my wife Judy. This shot is at the Death Valley encounter, where Judy and Wartpaint held the record for the most days by a single horse and rider combo. (they probably still do!)

See you there!
Nick Warhol

Saturday, 26 May 2018

W: Wild West Pioneer Early Bird Deadline is June 1

June 15, 16, 17, 2018

The entries are flowing in quick. Corrals are all reserved. We might get full this year. Send your entry in now to avoid the late fee after June 1st. We're working hard on getting the campground cleaned up. The Forest Service removed 80 trees this winter. So expect better clearance driving around the circle and a little more sun.

More info at:

NE: Old Dominion Early Bird Deadline is May 29

The Old Dominion June Ride in Orkney Springs, Virginia, is ONLY TWO WEEKS AWAY!!! 

June 8th and 9th....The Early Bird Deadline is Tuesday, May 29th.. 

• 25 mile being offered on BOTH Friday and Saturday (by rider request). We MUST Have 15 entries for Saturday's 25 by 5/29 for Saturdays 25 to be a GO!
• Intro Ride on Saturday June 9th
• 1st Leg of the North East Triple Crown 100 Mile Challenge; 2nd Leg of the OD Triple Crown

For more information see:

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Australia: Shahzada 2018

SHAHZADA 2018.....keep your eyes focused on the real prize of the year in August - come and join us at Shahzada.

The 38th Shahzada will be held from Monday, 27thAugust to Friday, 31st August 2018.

If you are keen to do the Mini Marathon, remember riders need to have completed 2 x 40km intermediate rides - plenty of chances to do this in time - Wingello on next week and check the ride calendar for others. Great photo thanks to Animal Focus of Allison Knihinicki and Velona Amadi at Shahzada 2017....Allison is booked in for Shahzada this year!!!!

For more information, see

Friday, 18 May 2018

NE: Old Dominion

The OD is only 3 weeks away!

Two Day Ride again this year.

Friday, June 8th:  50 and 25 mile, and Ride & Tie 
Saturday, June 9th: 100 Mile. and Intro Ride (15.5 miles) 

*******NEW THIS YEAR by rider request**** 
25 Mile on Saturday also (ONLY IF we have 15 entries by 5-29) 

100 mile Ride & Tie (plus other Ride & Tie distances 

Early Bird Deadline is Tuesday, May 29th (Save money, get your entries in NOW, join OD and save even more)

For more info, see:

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

MT: Fort Howes Entry Forms Online Now

Celebrating 22 years of endurance rides, the Fort Howes website ( has been updated with the current 2018 online entry form.

Homesteaded in 1883 by Captain Calvin Howes (a former sea Captain from Massachusetts), the Circle Bar Ranch is the home of the Fort Howes Endurance Rides - See Ranch History Link. As noted, starting in 1997, the Fort Howes rides have grown from a one-day ride offering a 25 mile Limited Distance ride and a 50 mile Endurance Ride to currently offering a two-day ride with 25 and 35 mile Limited Distance rides, a 50 and 55 mile Endurance Ride and a 75 and 100 mile Endurance Rides. We also include FEI divisions for both Seniors and Young Riders in the 50/55/75 and 100 mile distances.

Trails consist of Open Meadows, Cow Trails, and unimproved Jeep Trails. Riders can expect to have at least one 1000' elevation change in each loop they ride out on. Water is available out on trail every 3-5 miles. Currently all Vet Checks will all be in basecamp, however, depending on the trails we may have one check out on the 75 and/or 100 mile rides (we'll make arrangements to haul your crewing supplies out, if necessary).

Basecamp is a huge open field with lots of room and plenty of horse water available.

We will again be offering our Rancher's dinner on Friday night including steak and all the trimmings. Saturday night will include a BBQ with hamburgers and hotdogs.

Temperatures in the early part of June range in the 40's overnight and up into the 80's during the days. Though one should always plan for anything - this is Montana after all and we subscribe to the saying "Don't like the weather, wait five minutes, it will change".

We’re looking forward to once again opening our little piece of Heaven to our endurance community with the offer of "come early, stay late", but don’t be surprised if you get "put to work" while you’re here!
See ya’ll soon!

Bill, Jan, Heather, John, Tyler, Cody, Jennifer, Chet, Megan and Zach

5 Fort Road
Ashland, Montana 59003
406-784-2469 - landline
307-752-7952 - cell

Monday, 7 May 2018

W: Van Duzen Doozie 75/100 Elevator

May 12 in the Six Rivers National Forest, California!

Trails will consist of forest service roads, jeep roads, 4WD trails, and the river bar. Vet checks will be a gate into a hold. Both the 100 mile and 75 mile rides have a vet check out of camp. Elevation ranges from 2500’ to 4500’.

The 100 mile Van Duzen Doozie is your tool to get ready for Tevis. 4 out of the 5 riders that Did The Doozie last year also finished Tevis last year. That's an awesome 80%!!! There's still time to Do The Doozie this year and increase your chances of getting your Tevis buckle. Entry forms here:

Friday, 4 May 2018

W: NASTR Ride (30/50/75)

Entries are now available for the NASTR Ride (30/50/75) in the West Region.

Doing the 75 mile distance is a great way to leg your horse up for "the Big 100 that shall remain nameless".

It is the intention to hold the ride once again at Scout Camp, south of Silver Springs, NV this year - weather and river levels permitting. If this changes, we will let you know.

TRAIL DESCRIPTION: All trails will be laid out in a loop configuration, with several out vet checks.

Riders will enjoy scenic canyon climbs, desert washes, natural springs, stock tanks, dry lake terrain over jeep roads, and winding single track trail along the Carson River under the mighty cottonwood trees. The majority of the footing is sandy however there are some areas of rock. The trail is mostly flat with several gradual climbs. Crews will have access to all away-vet checks. Hay and water will be provided by ride management at away-vet checks. The 75 mile ride is the 2nd qualifier for the NASTR Triple Crown.