A Message from the 2011 WSTF Ride Director, Chuck Stalley:
As we enter spring, Mother Nature has left us near-record snowfall on the Tevis trail. If it's not snow in the high country, it's high water in the low country at the river crossing. Warm spring weather usually takes care of this, but in case we have unusually cool spring weather which would prevent us from crossing the high country, an alternate trail is being researched which would bypass the worst of it.

(4/8/11 - Looking north to Squaw Valley from Alpine Meadows)
Bob Suter heads a committee of experienced Tevis specialists who are surveying the best route possible should the need arise. Only one other year was such a trail necessary, and that trail started near Soda Springs and went to French Meadows before tying back to the original trail.
WSTF has the use of a new trail machine, compliments of Vice President, Greg Kimler of Echo Valley Ranch, Inc., and our trail committee is excited to put this equipment to work dressing the trail. Another focus of this year's ride is an adjustment in the finish. We are working on bringing the finish trail right into McCann Stadium so that we may see the finishers come in under the Tevis banner for their official finish time. Our new trail machine will be a big part of getting us there.

These are just some of the efforts being made with horse and rider safety in mind for the 2011 event. The ride committees work on the trail and the volunteers work the stops all in an effort to bring you and your horse the experience of a lifetime.
For more information see:

In Memorium
Longtime Tevis rider and friend of the Tevis, Barbara Bellamak passed away recently after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Barbie earned a thousand-mile buckle (72, 73, 76, 80, 82, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91) and was always on the scene even when she wasn't riding. So many of us who knew her marveled at her spirit and courage. Our deepest sympathy to her life partner, Bob, and to her family. Vickie Greene, Jeff Herten and Debby Lyon have reserved a mile of trail in Barbara's honor between Volcano Canyon and Foresthill. If you would like to contribute to Barbie's Mile, please send your donation to the Adopt-a-Trail program, c/o the Western States Trail Foundation office, 1216-C High Street, Auburn, CA 95603
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